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  • Law Of Attraction And Islam

    Posted by Alaiya on May 20, 2022 at 10:38 am

    Assalam o Alaikum,

    A few years ago I came across the Law of attraction which states that your thoughts create your reality meaning if you’re grateful then you’ll attract more things to be grateful for and if you’re always complaining then you’ll attract more things to complain about. I’ve also noticed that I’ve manifested so many things that way. I believe Quran also kind of confirms this law for example in the verse “Be grateful and I will give you more” or “God is just as the servant thinks He is”, and so on. Now the question I have is, is it really all upon us to create our reality or are some things pre-written and are meant to happen that way?

    I’ll try to give an example here just to make it more clear.

    If a person is in X country and wants to go to Y country but couldn’t go because of some obstacles, would it be the person’s thoughts to blame or was it pre-written? Also, plz explain the concept of rizk here as I’ve heard that a person’s rizk is pre-written and he gets what’s written for him and where it’s written for him no matter what.


    Faisal Haroon replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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