Occasions For Tayammum And Can It Be Done In The Absence Of Dusty Surface
On what occasions is Tayammum acceptable? Is it as literal as the Quran says – “no water” – or is it more figurative? Can you please advise on the following situations:
[1] Travelling: Airports often have unsanitary bathrooms. Is it okay to perform Tayammum with a small rock here? Or since there is physically water available, should it be used regardless?
[2] Public Restrooms: Similarly, sometimes the bathrooms can be moderately clean, but it is socially unacceptable to do Wudhu (e.g. the washroom at a Nordstrom). You might attract strange looks – some might be comfortable with this, but personally this would make me very anxious, especially in countries like America where there is Islamophobia?
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