Forums › Forums › Sources of Islam › 15. Variant Readings Of Quran (قراءت قرآنیہ کا اختلاف)– 23 Questions Series
15. Variant Readings Of Quran (قراءت قرآنیہ کا اختلاف)– 23 Questions Series
Posted by Ahsan on June 24, 2022 at 10:41 amEpisode 1- Part 93
00:00- Summary to the topic
2:36- General innate problem in writing a script in language and Question on Preservation of Quran
16:46- Background of the problem of Qiraat
20:00- History of Quran- First era
26:35- Transfer of Prophetic recitation according to Al-Zarkashi book Burhan
29:07- Transfer of Prophetic recitation in first era of Quran history
33:23- The inception of the problem in the first era
43:30- Prophet saw permission to read in any pronunciation with reference to Hadith Abu Daud # 830
Ahsan replied 2 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
15. Variant Readings Of Quran (قراءت قرآنیہ کا اختلاف)– 23 Questions Series
Moderator July 4, 2022 at 7:33 amEpisode 2- Part 94
00:00- Summary of previous episode
7:43- Second issue in transfer of Quran due ot forgetting some words
11:02- Comments on Hadith of Sahih Bukhari # 5038 (
13:59- Issue of forgetting words/verses
15:52-Comments on Hadith of Musnad Ahmad # 16366
18:46- What mistakes can be done during reciting Quran/
31:20- Rectification of the mistakes with reference to Quran Surah Aala
Moderator July 11, 2022 at 5:56 amEpisode 3- Part 95
00:00- Summary of last episode
3:00- Why there was possiblity of some verses to be forgotten during final recitation by prophet Mohammad saw?
6:00- Allah response to the concern of prophet Mohammad saw about preservation of Quran wrt to Surah Qiyamah verses 16-19?
21:05- How preservation of Quran happened? Reference to Sahih Bukhari # 4997, 4998 (, bukhari:4998)
25:29- Comments on Bukhari Hadith # 6285 ( and other hadith about presence of Hazrat Zaid during final recitation
Moderator July 23, 2022 at 6:46 amEpisode 4- Part 96
00:00- Summary of previous episodes
3:40- What recitation and reading was preserved for Quran?
9:42- Comment on Surah Baqarah verse# 213
11:40- Comment on Surah Hadid verse# 25
13:29- What Quran define its own importance wrt Surah Shura verse #17, Surah Furqan verse# 1
19:20- Answer to resason of preservation of Quran
22:30- Why reading of previous book reading was not preserved?
24:38- Reason for end of prophet hood
28:47- What is meant by Qatai dalalah?
33:20- In modern days, we understand on the basis of contents of the book. Why Quran cannot be understood just based on content.
Moderator July 23, 2022 at 6:46 amEpisode 5- Part 97
00:00-Summary of previous episodes
3:50- Difference between Ijma o twattur vs Akhbar-i-Ahad
22:20- introduction to 3rd stage of Quran preservation
Moderator August 6, 2022 at 6:19 amEpisode 6- Part 98
00:00- Summary of previous episodes
4:35- Preservation of Quran by Sahaba
9:00- Preservation of Quran wrt to Sahih Bukhari Hadith # 4986 (
28:41- If Paper was available, then why people were writing on palm stalks, stone etc?
32:17- Preservation of Quran wrt to Sahih Bukhari Hadith # 4987 (
45:14- Resolving issue of spelling in Quran
48:39- Why hazrat Usman is referred to as Jamal Ul Quran?
50:20- Will Quran be preserved if Caliphs wouldn’t make this decision?
Moderator August 6, 2022 at 6:41 amEpisode 7- Part 99
00:00- Summary of previous episodes
7:28- Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira wrt Jama ul Kalam Hadith # 4564
10:30- Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira wrt Ibn Abi Shaybah hadith # 30922
12:53- Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira wrt Sunan Sa’id ibn Mansur hadith # 97
16:30- Transfer of Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira to Tabaeen wrt an excerpt from Zarkashi book Kitab Al Burhan Fi Ulumil Qur’an
22:40- In the eyes of Sahaba, was content was main thing or recitation?
24:30- Transfer of accent of recitation of Quran wrt an excerpt from Abu Bakr Ibn Mujāhid book Kitab al-sabʿa fil-qirat
Moderator August 20, 2022 at 10:00 amEpisode 8- Part 100
00:00- Summary of last episodes
2:40- Indirect role of Abd al Malik Ibne Marwan in preservation of Quran
22:32- An excerpt from Usul e Ehkam authored by Ibne hazam
24:28- An excerpt from writing of Ibne Khildoon
25:31- Overall analysis on transfer of Quran to Muslims
Moderator August 20, 2022 at 10:01 amEpisode 9- Part 101
00:00- Summary of last episodes
3:34- What is the issue of variation in recitation?
12:29- Analysis on the question of “What to be done with the qiraat before qirat of arza akhira” wrt to Sahih Bukhari hadith #4481 (, bukhari:5005)
23:58- An excerpt from Al-Jami Ul-Kamil Fi Al-Hadith Al-Sahih Al-Shamil on different recitation
Moderator September 3, 2022 at 5:52 amEpisode 10 – Part 102
00:00- Summary of last episode
2:08- How Akhbar e Ahad become our knowledge?
7:45- Stages in transfer of various recitation to coming generation.
10:17- Names of Famous Qari of recitation
12:57- Concept of Qirat e saba
14:35- Criteria for acceptance of Qirat
17:35- How traditional scholars viewed the various recitation
20:45- An excerpt from Ibne Khaldoon on various recitation.
24:30- What is Ghamidi sb opinion on these recitation
31:51- How Farahi scholars see various recitation.
Moderator September 17, 2022 at 3:26 amEpisode 11 – Part 103
00:00- Intro
1:11- If all variants are accepted how it effect Quran status of Furqan and Burhan
5:07- Example of difference in understanding of Wudu to variant reading in the light of Surah Maida verse 6
24:25- Did Muslims understand this ayah differently?
26:15- Example of difference in understanding of inheritance to variant reading in the light of Surah nisa verse 12
48:34- What is the conclusion of the discussion on inheritance law?
Moderator September 24, 2022 at 6:08 amEpisode 12 – Part 104
00:00- Overview of previous episodes
1:30- Narrating Sahih Bukhari Hadith #2419
5:05- Critiquing above mentioned narration.
15:44- Narrating SahihSahih Muslim 820
19:50- Critiquing above mentioned narration.
22:57- Are these fabricated hadith?How this matter started?
32:00- What is meant by 7 harf?
39:00- why 7?
40:00- Why the world “Unzila” used in the narration?
42:48- Understanding of Harf according to Al-Jamiul Kamil fee Al-Hadith As-Sahih Al-Shamil
47:37- Recitation according to the text of Quran
51:23- Actual reason behind these differences in recitation
Moderator October 8, 2022 at 5:52 amEpisode 13 – Part 105
00:00- Summary of last episode
1:14- Does narrations related to this topic has been confused to be of same event?
2:27- Comments on Incident of Hazrat Umar according to Musanad Ahmed Hadith #16366
6:23- Same incident according to Tabari hadith
8:40- Incident of Ubay bin Kaab from muslim hadith # 821 (
12:00- Same incident wrt Jamai tirmidhi 2943 (
15:59- Solving the confusion due to amalgamation of these narrations (excerpt from meezan,!/mizan/5aa6a4315e891e8f44a45788?chapterNo=0&subChapterNo=0&subChsecNo=3&lang=ur)
24:58- How these narrations hot mixed up?
Moderator October 8, 2022 at 5:53 amEpisode 14– Part 106
00:00- Intro and Recap of last episode
1:00- Some scholars says these qirats are transferred to ijma o tawatur, how come you say these are akhbar e ahad? An excerpt from zarkashi
11:08- Why you misquote a Abu Abdur rehman bin sulemi and out of context and authencity of this narration
16:11- Why there were some qirat in various city according to research of Mujahid? (!/books/5aa66ae35e891e8f44a43f5f?chapterNo=71)
23:33- Why there are qirat of warsh and nafai are recited by people in Maghreb (Morroco Tunisia etc)?
Moderator October 14, 2022 at 9:25 amEpisode 15– Part 107
00:00- Intro
0:46- Why its written Hafs on Quran manuscript? An excerpt from meezan (!/mizan/5aa6a4315e891e8f44a45788?chapterNo=0&subChapterNo=0&subChsecNo=3&lang=ur)
15:35- What if some one copy Quran in different reading, will it make any difference?
17:20- if Quran is protected why there are difference in spelling or reading?
19:48- In era of Hazrat Uthman, everything was finalized how can we allow room for change in reading?
21:36- What about the manuscript of Ibne Masud where we find differences in arrangement of Quran?
24:42- If some surah missing, will we say Quran is not preserved?
25:46- Comments on Ibne Masud opinion that Surah Nas and Falq are not part of Quran
27:30- Comments onopinion of Ibne Abbass on compilation of Quran.
29:45- Does Imam frahi know more Arabic then Ibne Abbass?
30:42- What is meant by protecting of Quran by Allah and it application to variant reading?
32:30- What is conclusion of your talk?
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