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Forums Forums Sources of Islam 15. Variant Readings Of Quran (قراءت قرآنیہ کا اختلاف)– 23 Questions Series

  • 15. Variant Readings Of Quran (قراءت قرآنیہ کا اختلاف)– 23 Questions Series

    Posted by Ahsan on June 24, 2022 at 10:41 am

    Episode 1- Part 93

    00:00- Summary to the topic

    2:36- General innate problem in writing a script in language and Question on Preservation of Quran

    16:46- Background of the problem of Qiraat

    20:00- History of Quran- First era

    26:35- Transfer of Prophetic recitation according to Al-Zarkashi book Burhan

    29:07- Transfer of Prophetic recitation in first era of Quran history

    33:23- The inception of the problem in the first era

    43:30- Prophet saw permission to read in any pronunciation with reference to Hadith Abu Daud # 830

    Ahsan replied 2 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • 15. Variant Readings Of Quran (قراءت قرآنیہ کا اختلاف)– 23 Questions Series

    Ahsan updated 2 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 14 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 4, 2022 at 7:33 am

    Episode 2- Part 94

    00:00- Summary of previous episode

    7:43- Second issue in transfer of Quran due ot forgetting some words

    11:02- Comments on Hadith of Sahih Bukhari # 5038 (

    13:59- Issue of forgetting words/verses

    15:52-Comments on Hadith of Musnad Ahmad # 16366

    18:46- What mistakes can be done during reciting Quran/

    31:20- Rectification of the mistakes with reference to Quran Surah Aala

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 11, 2022 at 5:56 am

    Episode 3- Part 95

    00:00- Summary of last episode

    3:00- Why there was possiblity of some verses to be forgotten during final recitation by prophet Mohammad saw?

    6:00- Allah response to the concern of prophet Mohammad saw about preservation of Quran wrt to Surah Qiyamah verses 16-19?

    21:05- How preservation of Quran happened? Reference to Sahih Bukhari # 4997, 4998 (, bukhari:4998)

    25:29- Comments on Bukhari Hadith # 6285 ( and other hadith about presence of Hazrat Zaid during final recitation

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 23, 2022 at 6:46 am

    Episode 4- Part 96

    00:00- Summary of previous episodes

    3:40- What recitation and reading was preserved for Quran?

    9:42- Comment on Surah Baqarah verse# 213

    11:40- Comment on Surah Hadid verse# 25

    13:29- What Quran define its own importance wrt Surah Shura verse #17, Surah Furqan verse# 1

    19:20- Answer to resason of preservation of Quran

    22:30- Why reading of previous book reading was not preserved?

    24:38- Reason for end of prophet hood

    28:47- What is meant by Qatai dalalah?

    33:20- In modern days, we understand on the basis of contents of the book. Why Quran cannot be understood just based on content.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 23, 2022 at 6:46 am

    Episode 5- Part 97

    00:00-Summary of previous episodes

    3:50- Difference between Ijma o twattur vs Akhbar-i-Ahad

    22:20- introduction to 3rd stage of Quran preservation

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 6, 2022 at 6:19 am

    Episode 6- Part 98

    00:00- Summary of previous episodes

    4:35- Preservation of Quran by Sahaba

    9:00- Preservation of Quran wrt to Sahih Bukhari Hadith # 4986 (

    28:41- If Paper was available, then why people were writing on palm stalks, stone etc?

    32:17- Preservation of Quran wrt to Sahih Bukhari Hadith # 4987 (

    45:14- Resolving issue of spelling in Quran

    48:39- Why hazrat Usman is referred to as Jamal Ul Quran?

    50:20- Will Quran be preserved if Caliphs wouldn’t make this decision?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 6, 2022 at 6:41 am

    Episode 7- Part 99

    00:00- Summary of previous episodes

    7:28- Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira wrt Jama ul Kalam Hadith # 4564

    10:30- Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira wrt Ibn Abi Shaybah hadith # 30922

    12:53- Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira wrt Sunan Sa’id ibn Mansur hadith # 97

    16:30- Transfer of Qirat of Arza-e-Akhira to Tabaeen wrt an excerpt from Zarkashi book Kitab Al Burhan Fi Ulumil Qur’an

    22:40- In the eyes of Sahaba, was content was main thing or recitation?

    24:30- Transfer of accent of recitation of Quran wrt an excerpt from Abu Bakr Ibn Mujāhid book Kitab al-sabʿa fil-qirat

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 20, 2022 at 10:00 am

    Episode 8- Part 100

    00:00- Summary of last episodes

    2:40- Indirect role of Abd al Malik Ibne Marwan in preservation of Quran

    22:32- An excerpt from Usul e Ehkam authored by Ibne hazam

    24:28- An excerpt from writing of Ibne Khildoon

    25:31- Overall analysis on transfer of Quran to Muslims

  • Ahsan

    Moderator August 20, 2022 at 10:01 am

    Episode 9- Part 101

    00:00- Summary of last episodes

    3:34- What is the issue of variation in recitation?

    12:29- Analysis on the question of “What to be done with the qiraat before qirat of arza akhira” wrt to Sahih Bukhari hadith #4481 (, bukhari:5005)

    23:58- An excerpt from Al-Jami Ul-Kamil Fi Al-Hadith Al-Sahih Al-Shamil on different recitation

  • Ahsan

    Moderator September 3, 2022 at 5:52 am

    Episode 10 – Part 102

    00:00- Summary of last episode

    2:08- How Akhbar e Ahad become our knowledge?

    7:45- Stages in transfer of various recitation to coming generation.

    10:17- Names of Famous Qari of recitation

    12:57- Concept of Qirat e saba

    14:35- Criteria for acceptance of Qirat

    17:35- How traditional scholars viewed the various recitation

    20:45- An excerpt from Ibne Khaldoon on various recitation.

    24:30- What is Ghamidi sb opinion on these recitation

    31:51- How Farahi scholars see various recitation.

  • Ahsan

    Moderator September 17, 2022 at 3:26 am

    Episode 11 – Part 103

    00:00- Intro

    1:11- If all variants are accepted how it effect Quran status of Furqan and Burhan

    5:07- Example of difference in understanding of Wudu to variant reading in the light of Surah Maida verse 6

    24:25- Did Muslims understand this ayah differently?

    26:15- Example of difference in understanding of inheritance to variant reading in the light of Surah nisa verse 12

    48:34- What is the conclusion of the discussion on inheritance law?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator September 24, 2022 at 6:08 am

    Episode 12 – Part 104

    00:00- Overview of previous episodes

    1:30- Narrating Sahih Bukhari Hadith #2419

    5:05- Critiquing above mentioned narration.

    15:44- Narrating SahihSahih Muslim 820

    19:50- Critiquing above mentioned narration.

    22:57- Are these fabricated hadith?How this matter started?

    32:00- What is meant by 7 harf?

    39:00- why 7?

    40:00- Why the world “Unzila” used in the narration?

    42:48- Understanding of Harf according to Al-Jamiul Kamil fee Al-Hadith As-Sahih Al-Shamil

    47:37- Recitation according to the text of Quran

    51:23- Actual reason behind these differences in recitation

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 8, 2022 at 5:52 am

    Episode 13 – Part 105

    00:00- Summary of last episode

    1:14- Does narrations related to this topic has been confused to be of same event?

    2:27- Comments on Incident of Hazrat Umar according to Musanad Ahmed Hadith #16366

    6:23- Same incident according to Tabari hadith

    8:40- Incident of Ubay bin Kaab from muslim hadith # 821 (

    12:00- Same incident wrt Jamai tirmidhi 2943 (

    15:59- Solving the confusion due to amalgamation of these narrations (excerpt from meezan,!/mizan/5aa6a4315e891e8f44a45788?chapterNo=0&subChapterNo=0&subChsecNo=3&lang=ur)

    24:58- How these narrations hot mixed up?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 8, 2022 at 5:53 am

    Episode 14– Part 106

    00:00- Intro and Recap of last episode

    1:00- Some scholars says these qirats are transferred to ijma o tawatur, how come you say these are akhbar e ahad? An excerpt from zarkashi

    11:08- Why you misquote a Abu Abdur rehman bin sulemi and out of context and authencity of this narration

    16:11- Why there were some qirat in various city according to research of Mujahid? (!/books/5aa66ae35e891e8f44a43f5f?chapterNo=71)

    23:33- Why there are qirat of warsh and nafai are recited by people in Maghreb (Morroco Tunisia etc)?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator October 14, 2022 at 9:25 am

    Episode 15– Part 107

    00:00- Intro

    0:46- Why its written Hafs on Quran manuscript? An excerpt from meezan (!/mizan/5aa6a4315e891e8f44a45788?chapterNo=0&subChapterNo=0&subChsecNo=3&lang=ur)

    15:35- What if some one copy Quran in different reading, will it make any difference?

    17:20- if Quran is protected why there are difference in spelling or reading?

    19:48- In era of Hazrat Uthman, everything was finalized how can we allow room for change in reading?

    21:36- What about the manuscript of Ibne Masud where we find differences in arrangement of Quran?

    24:42- If some surah missing, will we say Quran is not preserved?

    25:46- Comments on Ibne Masud opinion that Surah Nas and Falq are not part of Quran

    27:30- Comments onopinion of Ibne Abbass on compilation of Quran.

    29:45- Does Imam frahi know more Arabic then Ibne Abbass?

    30:42- What is meant by protecting of Quran by Allah and it application to variant reading?

    32:30- What is conclusion of your talk?

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