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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Can A Soldier Carry A Suicidal Attack In The Ranks Of The Enemy ?

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  • Can A Soldier Carry A Suicidal Attack In The Ranks Of The Enemy ?

    Posted by Imran on July 8, 2022 at 8:42 am

    It’s a given that the war is just and it fulfills all the criteria of Sharia. Is a suicidal attack AMIDST the enemies (away from Muslims and non combatants ) permitted in such a case ?

    A popular quote attributed to Khalid Ibn Walid (ra) states “I would throw myself in the ranks of the enemies until I would be certain that I would not come out alive. And here I am, dying in my bed, like cattle die.”

    Whilst l haven’t seen its insnad, it doesn’t contradict the reports we have received from Maghazi literature. Some of it may be exaggeration but it’s not difficult to believe as the Muslims did eventually conquer territories with very little armor or numeric advantage.

    Nevertheless, the following narration is often used to justify suicidal attacks , it even explains away an ayat of Quran that’s against self destruction.

    Narrated Aslam bin ‘Imran At-Tujibi:

    “We were in a Roman city, when a large column of Romans came out to us. So about the same number or more of the Muslims went towards them. The commander of the people of Egypt was ‘Uqbah bin ‘Amir, and the commenter of the (our) group was Fadalah bin ‘Ubaid. One man among the Muslims reached the Roman line until he entered amidst them, so the people started screaming: ‘Subhan Allah! He has thrown himself into destruction!’ Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari said: ‘O you people! You give this interpretation for this Ayah, while this Ayah was only revealed about us, the people among the Ansar, when Allah made Islam might, and increased its supporters. Some of us secretly said to each other, outside of the presence of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): “Our wealth has been ruined, and Allah has strengthened Islam, and increased its supporters, so if we tend to our wealth then what we lost of it shall be revitalized for us.” So Allah, Blessed and Most High, revealed to His Prophet (ﷺ), rebuking what we said: ‘And spend in the cause of Allah, and do not throw yourselves into destruction. (2:195)’ So the destruction was tending to the wealth and maintaining it.’ Abu Ayyub did not cease traveling in Allah’s cause, until he was buried in the land of the Romans.” ( Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2972 )

    I am sure suicidal attacks were not the norm but is it allowed if the Muslims are facing a dire situation, or in all context perhaps ?

    Imran replied 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Can A Soldier Carry A Suicidal Attack In The Ranks Of The Enemy ?

    Imran updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar July 11, 2022 at 3:50 am

    The principle we follow is that we do not extract principle stance from events. If a suicidal attack is necessary for war strategy it can be carried out, but against the combatants only.

    • Imran

      Member July 11, 2022 at 9:01 am

      Thanks for responding, l actually agree with the principle and the conclusion you have given

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