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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Extra Things Approved By Rasool SAW Transmitted Through Ahadith

  • Extra Things Approved By Rasool SAW Transmitted Through Ahadith

    Posted by Abdullah AbdulRahman on August 30, 2022 at 9:44 am


    From 1:29 till last

    Ghamidi sahab says that Ahadith neither add nor omit anything from religion, but in the above video he is saying that the prayers made obligatory on us (jo Namazien muqarrar kar di gai hain), in that we will see if Rasool SAW has done a particular act or not. And if Rasool SAW has done that or not, we get to know only through Ahadith (his Uswa), and Raful Yadain is one of them. Why are extracting some acts of compulsory Salah and deciding their hujjiyat on the basis of Akhbar-i-Ahad?

    Abdullah AbdulRahman replied 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Extra Things Approved By Rasool SAW Transmitted Through Ahadith

  • Nadeem

    Member August 30, 2022 at 2:46 pm

    Assalam-o-Alaikam. Please see and understand the difference between Sunnah and Hadith. Prayer came to us through Sunnah; not Hadith.

  • Abdullah AbdulRahman

    Member September 2, 2022 at 11:47 am

    Yes, but Raful Yadain before Raku’ was not started by Rasool SAW as Sunnah but through Ahadith. There are two parts of Salah: obligatory and voluntary. In nawafil as he said we can do even three Sujood also etc but “in the ordered prayers”we should limit us only to what Rasool SAW did. And what Rasool SAW did, that we get through Sunnah and Ahadith. And here he is discussing Raful Yadain before Raku’, and that Rasool SAW did Raful Yadain before Raku’ is transferred to us through Ahadith rather than Sunnah. And Ghamidi sahab who doesn’t consider Ahadith as an independent source of religion such as Sunnah is allowing Raful Yadain but not three Sujood (for example) in the ordered prayers. So on what principle is he allowing the extra things only done by Rasool SAW in ordered prayers such as Raful Yadain and nothing more from ourselves?

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