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  • Do Major Sins Make A Person Disbeliever

    Posted by Mohammad Ali Soomro on September 11, 2022 at 3:36 am

    Hello, assalamualaikum

    My question is that there is a hadith.

    Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The adulterer is not a believer while he is committing adultery. The drinker of wine is not a believer while he is drinking wine. The thief is not a believer while he is stealing. The plunderer is not a believer while he is plundering and the people are looking to him.”

    In another narration, the Prophet said, “And he is not a believer while he is killing.”

    Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2475, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 57

    Ibn Abbas reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “He is not a believer whose stomach is filled while the neighbor to his side goes hungry.”

    Source: al-Sunan al-Kubrá 19049

    Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

    My question was that does these hadith mean that whoever does any of the thing above loses its faith in the same way that a kafir loses his faith? Means both being equal? Or if not in this world then like in the Akhirah (as the Mutazila say), the person who died in a state without repenting from above major sins or from the situation of neighbor, if he dies in that state then, he will have the same fate as a disbeliever in hereafter? Just like a disbeliever, he will have no share in hereafter and will not be forgiven, neither will intercession for him be given? And then if that’s the case how does it reconcile between the Ayah 48 of Surah Nisa “Surely Allah does not forgive that a partner be ascribed to Him, although He forgives any other sins for whomever He wills”.

    Secondly, when i was trying to think about it and make a reconciliation between them, i thought like , since kufr and shirk are of same magnitude i think , Maybe the Ayat says that shirk is not forgiven and anything less than that can be forgiven (all major and minor sins less than shirk or kufr). But since through the Hadiths we may get an idea that these sins makes on lose faith (A real Kufr like that of a Kafir) hence these sins won’t be forgiven too.

    I’m really sorry for my very long questions but actually I’m suffering from OCD (with religious theme) and i feel constantly worried of what if this, what if that happens.

    Can you please elaborate in detail of how these Hadiths are to be understood and if there’s a mistake in my thinking mentioned above, correct me and tell me in detail how to understand Hadiths like these etc.

    Umer replied 2 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Do Major Sins Make A Person Disbeliever

    Umer updated 2 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • Saad

    Contributor September 11, 2022 at 7:30 am

    Understand the Law of Allah. What happens is that Allah may reveal the truth to a person. In case of Sahabah, the truth was made clear by the Messenger (PBUH). In face of truth, if a person makes some mistakes and amends them, then there is nothing to worry about. But in face of truth, if someone intentionally and knowingly rebels, then it is considered to be a serious sin. Allah then advises such a person. If such a person ignores His advice, He starts to send warnings of punishment. Then If such a person ignores even the warnings and continues to do reject truth and do sins. Then he is considered a kafir by Allah. Then Allah gives the kafir a time period to reconsider his course of actions and repent before the ultimate punishment. If the kafir refuses to repent even after that, then he is punished in this life (in case of Itmam-e-Hujjat in presence of a Messenger in this life).

    What Allah will ultimately do to kafir in the afterlife is yet to be seen. But we do not know who is a kafir and who is not so do not go labelling yourself or anyone as kafir.

    In case of the Hadiths you mentioned, the truth was made plain by the Messenger (PBUH), therefore there was less room for people to be making mistakes and they were likely to be kafir (because that is what Allah was making plain in that particular era). In modern time, a person may not understand or even be convinced of truth, therefore no one will get labelled off as a kafir as easily as you think. Do not worry and trust Allah, He is far more understanding and merciful than your OCD thoughts make Him out to be.

  • Saad

    Contributor September 11, 2022 at 7:45 am
  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member September 11, 2022 at 8:33 am

    I understand this brother but if the rebellious attitude is done even with a small sin (like a person consciously decides that he will not obey Allah in this ruling at all, even if the ruling was of a sin that is small and minor). But i was saying that these sin in and of themselves, do they make one a kafir even if a person does them once but does not repent before dying, for example he does not send food to his neighbor while he was hungry for one time and he died before repenting or he died before repenting from a Zina incident that he did previously, so do those sin in and of themselves make a person kafir? Just as a person makes a sarcastic and mocking statement of Islam, even though he did it only once in a scenario but he did something that is in and of itself Kufr. So like that are these also Kufr actions? That even if did once or twice but died before repenting, he will be kafir? Like he is in same state as the one who is a real kafir and with no forgiveness etc. Would these sins not be forgiven if a man meets his Lord with these unrepented in his account (not due to rebellion but due to overwhelmed by emotions)

    • Saad

      Contributor September 11, 2022 at 8:38 am

      The magntiude of the sin does not matter. It is what it symbolizes. If a person only sins, then he may be forgiven and punished accordingly. But if he is sinning with the intention of intentionally rebelling against Allah. Then there will be an advising stage, a warning stage and then a grace period for repentance. All of these stages Allah will take such a person through before labelling him off as a kafir.

      That’s why deciding whether doing x and y will make someone a kafir is not something to worry about. It’s not something you can fall into so easily. Allah is merciful and forgiving, He will try to stop a person from committing kufr and even after a person becomes a kafir, there will be a time period of advising/warning and final time to repent before He judges him.

  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member September 11, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    Okayy brother i understand you, so we can say that in the hadith above it is talking about the absence of a perfect faith (the perfect faith where one becomes successful in hereafter easily and without difficulty or exposing himself to punishment) so the person by doing this loses that state of perfect faith where now he does have faith but he is exposed to both the punishment and forgiveness of Allah ( Allah may choose what to give him) but it’s not taking about the total absence of faith all together. Where one sin like those above and boom… the whole faith is gone

    Thank you for your explanation 💜🌹

    • Saad

      Contributor September 11, 2022 at 1:27 pm

      Indeed. Allah does not make your faith disappear over a single sin. The kafirs that are condemned in the Qur’an are the people who lived their entire life committing acts of kufr consistently and everytime Allah advised and warned them, they rebelled by committing more acts of kufr. Even then Allah kept the door of forgiveness open for a long period of time.

      If Allah can show such tolerance to kafir, then surely He is far more tolerant to Muslims. So as long as a Muslim repents, he can hope for forgiveness, he does not need to have perfect faith. And if he isn’t given chances to repent then Allah will compensate through His justice. The problem with kafir who will have a difficult time in Hereafter is usually that they do not care about their sins so they reject every advice, warning and chance to repent.

      If you are showing concern over kufr, then chances are, you are not on the path of kufr. Because this is a sign of taqwa and that is what the Hadiths are aiming at.

  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member September 12, 2022 at 1:48 am

    @FortunateServant thank you brother💜

  • Umer

    Moderator September 12, 2022 at 3:46 am

    Please refer to the following response by Ghamidi Sahab:

    Discussion 61959 • Reply 62228

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