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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Shirk Ke Mazahir And Prohibition Of Offering Salah In Front Of Them

  • Shirk Ke Mazahir And Prohibition Of Offering Salah In Front Of Them

    Posted by Mohammad Ali Soomro on November 5, 2022 at 8:22 am

    Hello there,

    My question is that what is “Shirk ke Mazaahir”?. Can you explain to me in details what is it? And does it have a rule that we can apply with our ijtehad?

    Does it mean that anything which gives resemblance to shirk? And we see that sometimes 2 things sprouting from same principle apparently have different status etc.

    Like we see Prohibition of namaz during sunset and sunrise which apparently feels like coming from the principle of Shirk ke Mazaahir. But similarly praying in a room of pictures, according to ghamid Sahab is no problem. And if looking through that principle. Can we conclude that praying in front of pictures is Haram because previously people used them to do shirk, and previously people of shirk used to worship bushes and trees too, so can we conclude that praying in front of them would also be prohibited with the principle of ‘shirk ke Mazaahir?’ similarly praying Infront of a fire?

    Secondly, where does the prohibition of praying and sunset and sunrise come to us from? Hadith only? Or through Sunnah? If it comes through Hadith that means it was an application of a principle, so can we also apply that principle to things mentioned above and conclude them to be prohibited? And if for example in future a group of people worship a computer, would praying in front of computer become prohibited with this usool?

    Ps. I’m sorry hahaha you might feel like I’m asking many questions but it’s actually one single question and i just used the other minor ones to explain that one further. Thank you

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 2 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Shirk Ke Mazahir And Prohibition Of Offering Salah In Front Of Them

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar November 7, 2022 at 12:36 am

    The particular objects have been worshipped, not all trees, mountains, stars, etc. The sun too is worshipped. When that particular object is there, it would not be allowed to perform worship rituals in front of it. Ordinary pictures are not meant to be worshipped so there arises no objection to perform Salah in front of them. The same is the case with fire. not that fire everywhere is or was worshipped. A special fire in a special way is lit to worship. in front of that kind of fire, saying Salah will be prohibited.

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