Can Jinns Attack Human Beings?
Question is , A person told me he read tahajjud and he was doing wazifa of ayatul kursi. He told me that he prayed all night and recited like 1000 × ayat ul kursi and when he prayed fajr he went to sleep. He told me he got attacked by something and it was evil. He saw black shadow with fire eyes and wanted to attack him. The person told me he went to mufti and maulana of mosque and they told him some ayats of quran should not be read in the night.
I dont know if I should believe this person but what is the reality of this issue?
Is it true that some verses or surah of quran should not be read at night? And is it true that a jinn can attack someone like this? Why do jinns not attack Europeans and the non believers , why always the Muslims? The person told me he stopped praying at night because of this.
Can someone clarify for me these 3 questions?
Thank you in advance.
JazakAllah khair.
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