LGBT Content Films
Is it permissible to allow films that have LGBT content to present in cinema???
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Is it permissible to allow films that have LGBT content to present in cinema???
Please see:
I have still some confusion…let’s suppose that a film is made which has unethical content … unethical in the sense that it consist of man transgender love story (I’m not referring to any film just supposing to get the Truth) …can government censor it….??
Ghamidi sahab has already responded to state’s role and the role of the scholars in the video as well as the text that is available at the link shared in the previous response.
I have seen that….The state is responsible for the rights of its citizens…are such films like I supposed against anyone rights ??
As it is stated in the link shared above, it cannot be determined without precisely knowing the content of a movie.
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by Muhammad Faisal Haroon
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