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Forums Forums General Discussions Actual Prohibition And Sad E Zariya In Dress Code

  • Actual Prohibition And Sad E Zariya In Dress Code

    Posted by Daniyaa Khan on November 19, 2022 at 1:49 pm


    In describing dress code Sir Javed Ahmad Ghamidi explain what is compulsory he said if its not fullfilled then we can say it is obscenity, immodesty or (بےحیائی ). Is this obscenity means western dressing and vulgarity (Fahashi) are same things? improper dress like shorts or western is major sin or comes under sad e zariya?

    what is difference between immodesty, obscenity and vulgarity? which is sad e zariya and which is major sin? In other video he said in sports what dress is required should wear and in sports dresses are tight and shorts, chest visible, and even sometimes in playing cleavages are visible are all these sports players doing obscenity and are immodest?

    from 4:00 to 6:00

    Daniyaa Khan replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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