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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Changing Intention Of A Worldly Act From Worship To Something Else

  • Changing Intention Of A Worldly Act From Worship To Something Else

    Posted by Mohammad Ali Soomro on December 3, 2022 at 3:40 am

    Hello there!

    My question is that if something which can be down for worldly reasons and and also for ibadah. For example giving a maths tution to someone. If someone at the start of the month decided to teach someone for a month to please Allah without charging them as a charity. and hence, making it an act of worship and charity for not charging money for giving service of teaching for starting 1-2 months, and then charge for the months that follow, but after teaching about 4 months and taking money for 2 last months, he later realizes that he needs money, so later he demands money for his service of the former 2 months, which in the beginning he in his mind decided to waiver the fees as a charity. But later as the need arises, he decided to charge money for his worldly service (hence losing reward of charity that he waivered in beginning), so my question is that if someone does such a thing, would it be just a loss of rewards of and nullification of charity (just similar to like he did not intended to do charity in the first place)? Or the act that he did in the first 2 months have permanently become an act of worship, so charging money even for that worldly service done in the act at that time, would become like charging money for worship, hence a shirk?

    (The money being charged is not for doing charity/worship of Allah, but for service of teaching. Which would have been completely Mubah in the case where a person starts from the beginning intending to just earn money through it etc)

    If you don’t understand my question, do let me know I’ll try to explain inshallah in a more better example

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 2 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Changing Intention Of A Worldly Act From Worship To Something Else

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar December 5, 2022 at 2:38 am

    It is a matter of desirable or undesirable act. by no means it comes anywhere near Shrik. Shirk means to consider someone in the divinity of God, or Riyakari which is the minor shirk, which means to please someone in matters through which God should be pleased only. So do not drag everything in the circle of shirk or riayakari. Ask yourself first, how it can be a matter of shirk or what makes you think it is shirk.

    secondly, the person, if he has not made any commitment, and the matter was between him and his God, he can revert his decision, in face of his needs. God does not deal with his people in a mathematical way.

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