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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran 3:6 – God Creates Humans In The Womb As He Wills


  • Quran 3:6 – God Creates Humans In The Womb As He Wills

    Posted by Taimur Mughal on December 3, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    My question is God says in this verse that He creates you in the wombs of mothers as He wills.

    we see that whenever a child is born, a fixed pattern, he or she looks like their parents. He or she has the same skin colour of parents and same features in general.

    So if God is saying He creates as He will, I understand it as He can differ the pattern we observe. But we never observe such patterns. So it means He has a fixed will in this part of creating. Then how should I understand when God says as He wills? Because that would imply children being born looking different from parents , black couple can suddenly have blond kids or not looking like their parents at all!

    I assume God has a free creatieve will and He can do whatever He wants. But a fixed pattern is been seen here in this categorie.

    Kindly if someone can elaborate.

    Umer replied 2 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Quran 3:6 – God Creates Humans In The Womb As He Wills

    Umer updated 2 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator December 3, 2022 at 1:03 pm

    Simple answer would be that despite the similarity with parents yet each face is still unique and different from parents.

    But as a principle, following points must be kept in mind:

    Wherever the will of God has been mentioned in the Quran, it only means that except for God Himself no one has the power to stop Him from materializing it or to alter it in any way. It does not mean that His will is not subservient to justice and wisdom. This also does not mean that certain matters willed by God are not subservient to natural and physical laws created by Him (as willed by Him).

    In the Quran, we find certain acts being attributed to God; however, the real objective in this regard is not the attribution of these acts, it is their attribution to certain laws and principles on the basis of which these acts materialize. Because these laws and principles have been set by the Almighty, He has attributed the acts which emanate on the basis of these laws and principles to Himself at certain places in the Quran.

    Therefore, when Quran says that God creates humans as he will, this statement should be understood in the light of above points.

    Please also refer to the video below from 44:20 to 47:52

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