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  • Is Quran Only Source Of Belief In God

    Posted by Sameer Namole on December 11, 2022 at 10:55 pm


    I want to know if quran is ONLY source for our belief in God. Like Ghamidi sahab has shown how existence of God is proved on a level of laboratory test so I want to know if let’s say we didn’t have quran, will there be still any STRONG proof of god.

    In my opinion I saw a video of Ghamidi sahab yesterday and he says “Philosophers aur Tasawwuf ke hazrat mante hai ki kaynat khuda hai aur Ambiya a.s. ne bataya hai ki kaynat ka khuda hai.” So both these perspectives could’ve been matter of debate if we didn’t had Ambiya a.s.

    – As we get to know this reality from Ambiya a.s., even though we now know that it’s base is found in human nature, don’t you think it would’ve been matter of confusion. So “Besides Quran can Ambiya too be taken as proof for existence in God?”

    – Another point is, besides all ambiya a.s., in today’s age we have Quran only as FOURTH source of knowledge. If we go by this premise then we get to know that today it’s quran only that can give us answer to this question.

    – In his 4-video series on existence of God, Ghamidi sahab proves this in well sequence. Like at last he gives argument to CONFIRM existence of God by the event of ‘Itmam E Hujjah’. So again, this may led to a premise that if we want CONCLUDE that there is a God and also what he wants from us, we have ONLY quran for this too.

    – So what about people believing in other scriptures and prophets or avtars? Like we have people believing in Bible, Torah, Vedas. Do their argument becomes weak in any sense?

    Thank you in Advance.

    Umer replied 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Is Quran Only Source Of Belief In God

    Umer updated 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator December 13, 2022 at 7:20 pm

    Belief in existence of God is one thing but details about that belief is a separate thing.

    Existence of God can be inferred through a combination of intuitive evidence, logical inference drawn from observation of this universe, perpetuity of knowledge, testifying of the prophets and empirical evidence of Prophets’ itmam-e-hujjat.

    The next thing is to know what God wants from us and what are the requirements of faith in God. For this, logically we need to start from the most credible source associated with God (in academic sense). And by all academic and logical standards, Quran is the most credible book linked with God which is historically proven to be given by the Prophet himself and its chain is unbroken and part of established history. (Quran Transmission Through The Ages: Discussion 47625).

    Whether Quran is a fourth source of knowledge or not is a separate discussion, but by all means, Quran is the only credible book of religion associated with God, unaltered and established through known history. Therefore, to know about faith in God and about God Himself, one has no other option but to go through Quran first.

    Videos availabe in the following thread might prove helpful in this context:

    Discussion 71653

  • Sameer Namole

    Member December 13, 2022 at 11:25 pm

    Thank you bhai for this detailed answer.

    A) I guess just like Quran, Vedas are preserved orally too, that too in their original text. What is the difference.

    B) I got your point that one can have existence of God proven by different methods. My question in other words was “If we didn’t have prophet Muhammad or Quran today, would existence of God be be proven upto same extent as it did by Itmam-e-Hujjah?

    3) I want to thoroughly study Atheism and Theism, what do think I should start from? Like can you refer some books etc.

    Thank you sir

    • Umer

      Moderator December 16, 2022 at 5:49 pm

      A) The difference being that Quran’s transmission from its source is in the light of known history and this is historically proven fact and can also be reproduced as an academic exercise as well (Quran Transmission Through The Ages: Discussion 47625).

      B) In the absence of Quran or Prophet Muhammad (sws), the best source would be oral traditions in this regard, whether in the form of Bible, Vedas or perpetuity of knowledge which we inherit from out ancestors. Existence of God would still be proven but no credible words would be available to be associated with God and no event of Itmam-e-hujjat would be known to have had happened in the known history.

      C) To study Atheism, you can start with Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian and Other Essays on Religion and Related Subjects“:

      Amazon Link

      Then you can study other proponents of Atheism, most famously Richard Dawkins (‘The God Delusion‘, ‘Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide‘), Christopher Hitchens (‘God is not Great’) and Sam Harris (‘Letter to a Christian Nation‘).

  • Sameer Namole

    Member January 6, 2023 at 3:03 am

    Hello sir @UmerQureshi ,

    In your second point where you stated :

    In the absence of Quran or Prophet Muhammad (sws), the best source would be oral traditions in this regard, whether in the form of Bible, Vedas or perpetuity of knowledge which we inherit from out ancestors. Existence of God would still be proven but no credible words would be available to be associated with God and no event of Itmam-e-hujjat would be known to have had happened in the known history.

    • Can we say that we could’ve proved a “Deistic God” but we couldn’t have proved that the same God is our “Theistic God”?

    Let me explain this point : Richard Dawkins makes a bit logical point here. While having to agree with the concept of God he tried to explain his idea of God (without referring to religion)

    The fact that the universe is or, at least, “appears to be” designed and requires explanation is so obvious that Dawkins wholeheartedly acknowledges it (6, pp. 3-11). He even goes on to say that one may make a “reasonably respectable case” for a deistic God. Although he does not endorse that hypothesis, we may have, in his opinion, a “serious discussion” regarding such a creator who “devised the laws of physics” necessary to make the universe possible, but has been indifferent to it ever since. The theistic God, however, does not make sense to him. That is because man is so petty and worthless compared to the size and age of the universe that it is highly unlikely that such a God, if any, would listen to his prayers, interfere in his world, care about his morality, and so on

    Even though this argument of his is very pessimistic and can be challenged on virtually every level, my point is, can we say that “It is Prophet Muhammad and Quran due to which we can be satisfied at intellectual level and prove that this Deistic God is our Theistic God too?” Because even though prehistoric scriptures and perpetuity of knowledge tends to make us aware of our creator, but Quran, Prophet Muhammad and incidence of Itmam-e-hujjat makes it surety?

    • Umer

      Moderator January 6, 2023 at 11:21 pm

      Yes, you’re right.

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