The Understanding Of Biblical Prohibition Of Images
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We say that even the images prohibited in Bible are those which are made of Allah or made with intentions of reverence of worship etc.
So my question is that what if these prohibition in Bible are absolute in their sense that no images are to be made. So how can we evidently and by ‘Qataee Daleel’ prove that these images are only those of with sentiments of worship. And not normal. I mean by looking at ahadith, we also find words that prohibit images in general sense, but the qataee Daleel here, is that it is only present in ahadith and nothing of an independent nature can be taken from hadith. But how will we find this qataee Daleel or evidence in the light of Islam or in the light of bible that would evidently strongly prove that in the bible too, images of worship sentiments are only meant.
And please also tell that if in Bible if it would have been really a general prohibition of Images then how the style of address would have been in Quran and Sunnah be according to it? What changes would have we seen in that case, instead of right what is right now?
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