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Forums Forums Sources of Islam What Is 'Dabbah' Which The Holy Quran Refers To In Surah An-Naml Ayat 82 (27:82)

  • What Is 'Dabbah' Which The Holy Quran Refers To In Surah An-Naml Ayat 82 (27:82)

    Posted by Taha Yasin on July 20, 2020 at 5:14 pm

    Most of the scholars are of the view that it refers to a beast or a creature which would appear before end times but in the english translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, he has left the word in is its arabic form and has not translated to beast or creature. Also has added a note to the word Dabbah which says:

    At the time when Almighty God takes the decision to bring to an end the present history of the earth, some extraordinary signs will appear to usher in the last phase. Among these signs will be the appearance of a Dabbah.

    The message, which was brought through human beings and which was not accepted by the people, will be announced by Dabbah. Modern systems of communication are probably what is alluded to here as Dabbah.

    This will be the bell announcing the end of the examination period and not its beginning.

    (P-289, The Quran, Translated by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan GOODWORD BOOKS)

    It is also intresting to note here the the meaning of Dabbah in Arabic to English Dictionary which says:

    Meaning of the word Dabbah, SAND HILL, MOUND (few lines down also Beast, Creature)

    – Arabic to English dictionary, by Hans Wehr, Edited by J. Milton Cowan, Page 270 line 2

    Please provide clarification to this issue.

    Sheharbano Ali replied 4 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • What Is 'Dabbah' Which The Holy Quran Refers To In Surah An-Naml Ayat 82 (27:82)

    Sheharbano Ali updated 4 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator July 21, 2020 at 2:42 am


    If you look at the flow verses from verse 70 onward, it becomes quite apparent that these verses are primarily addressing the Prophet Muhammad (sws) in relation to His Dawah to Quraysh of Mecca. The appearance of this creature was an original warning to them in case they dismiss Prophet’s message completely. However, few narrations also talk about appearance of such animal/creature near the day of judgement, and there’s no reason to dismiss happening of any such event before the day of judgement as well. Please see the following verses for more detail:

    Do not grieve for them [O Prophet!] nor fret over the schemes they are plotting. They ask: “If you are truthful, when will this promise be fulfilled?” Tell them: “The [Hereafter] you want to hasten, it is very much possible that some of it is right behind you.” [The respite you are enjoying at the moment is for your own benefit.] In reality, your Lord is prone to show mercy to people but most of them are ungrateful. Your Lord definitely knows what their chests hide in themselves and what they reveal. There is no hidden thing in the heavens and the earth which is not written in an open book. (27:70-75)

    [They should not be led astray by what these people say because] definitely this Quran is also explaining many things to the Israelites in which they are differing and there is no doubt that it is guidance in entirety and mercy for those who believe. [On the Day of Judgement,] your Lord through His decisive directive will definitely decide between them. He is powerful, very knowledgeable. So, trust God; indeed, you are on absolute truth. (27:76-79)

    In reality, you cannot make the dead hear nor make your call reach the deaf when while turning their backs they are running away nor can you guide the blind out of their error. You can only make those listen who want to profess belief in Our revelations. Then only they will be obedient too. (27:80-81)

    [At this time O Prophet! you are trying to make them understand, but] when Our word becomes conclusive on them We will bring out for them an animal from the earth who will tell them that people did not believe in Our revelations; [so, now they have come before them in the form of God’s wrath.] [1] They should remember the day when from each ummah We will gather a whole army of people who had denied Our revelations. Then they will be categorized. Finally, when they come together, God will ask them: “Did you deny My revelations even though your knowledge could not embrace them or speak up: ‘what had you been doing?’” So, the word will be fulfilled on them because they had been unjust to their souls; then they will not be able to say anything. (27:82-85)


    [1] Ie., it will make evident these facts by its existence. The word تُكَلِّمُهُمْ occurs to convey this meaning. It occurs here in the same meaning as in verse 35 of Surah al-Rum. This will happen because those who are not prepared to listen to the last messenger of God should then only be borne witness to by animals. However, this never happened because most of the Quraysh professed faith in Muhammad (sws). It is evident from various narratives that a similar situation will be created for people near the end of time, and an animal will be taken out from the earth (دَآبَةُ الاَرْضِ) to stand before them.

    أَمْ أَنْزَلْنَا عَلَيْهِمْ سُلْطَانًا فَهُوَ يَتَكَلَّمُ بِمَا كَانُوْا بِهِ يُشْرِكُوْنَ.

    Ask them: “Have they ascribed partners to God without any basis or have We also revealed an argument that what they associate with God it is bearing witness to it?” (Al-Rum 30:35)

  • Taha Yasin

    Member July 21, 2020 at 3:27 am

    Please ignore the above reply. Thank You. I would like to add something to my question. The note of Surah Naml Ayat 82 in Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s English translation of the Holy Quran suggests that the word Dabbah meaning might be referred to as the sand from the earth. As we are aware that silicon, one of the most influential inventions in human history, is extracted from the earth and Silicon chips are used in all the communicating devices. It has paved the way for the development of modern computers and electronic devices. Thus in his note when he talks about communicating devices he is actually trying to point out to the invention of silicon which has made it possible. How well does this view hold? If not, then should we stick to the meaning of Dabbah as the beast?

    • Umer

      Moderator July 21, 2020 at 5:00 am

      This difference of interpretation stems from differing principles of understanding the Quran. Ghamidi Sahab is of view that the meanings will always have to be taken as the ones famously known to the Quraysh of that time. Since it is their Arabic, therefore one should be well versed in the classical Arabic of that time. Therefore, if you’re convinced by the arguments of Ghamidi Sahab on how to interpret the language of Quran, then this exegesis by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan would not hold any merit, otherwise this also seems like a well put timely application of Quranic verse considering the scientific advancements made from Silicon based technology. Detailed principles on understanding the Quran can be found in this thread:

      Discussion 55737

      There is also another video in which Ghamidi Sahab has discussed the relationship of Islam and Science and the reason behind incorporating scientific discoveries in different verses of the Quran. I think you will find it really insightful. The video can be found in the following thread. Please see if this helps in understanding the difference between two approaches.

      Discussion 910

  • Taha Yasin

    Member July 21, 2020 at 6:06 am

    Sure, thanks a lot

  • Umer

    Moderator December 11, 2020 at 12:53 pm

    For comments of Ghamidi Sahab, please refer to the video below from 27:13 to 30:52

    Alternative Link: ilm-o-Hikmat 08-01-2017

    • Sheharbano Ali

      Member December 12, 2020 at 1:00 pm

      👍 quite a logical explanation by Ghamidi sb.

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