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  • Qirat-e-Hafs And Hafs As A Hadith Narrator In The Eyes Of Scholars Of Rijal

    Posted by Ahmad Zia Jamili on January 8, 2023 at 12:50 am

    In a video lecture of Ustad Ghamidi teaching Meezan, he says that Hafas حفص whose recitation قرائت is famous, some Imams of narrator ائمه الرجال refused taking hadith from him, some said he is … but Ustad Ghamidi did not mentioned their “ائمه الرجال” names. could you please mention the name of those Imams?

    Ahmad Zia Jamili replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Qirat-e-Hafs And Hafs As A Hadith Narrator In The Eyes Of Scholars Of Rijal

  • Umer

    Moderator January 9, 2023 at 10:54 pm

    Hafs Ibn Sulayman: (حفص بن سُلَيْمان الأسدي أبو عُمَر)

    وَقَال عَبْد الرَّحْمَنِ بْن أَبي حَاتِم ، عَنْ عَبد اللَّهِ بْن أَحْمَدَ فيما كتب اليه عَن أبيه: متروك الحديث.

    Abdul-Rahman Ibn Abi Hatim said, on the authority of Abdullah bin Ahmad, in what he wrote to him on the authority of his father: He is Matruk-ul-Hadith (From whom Ahadith are not accepted).

    وكذلك قال عُمَر بن مُحَمَّد بن شعيب الصابوني، عن حنبل بن إسحاق، عن أَحْمَد بن حنبل

    Likewise, Umar bin Muhammad bin Shuaib Al-Sabouni said, on the authority of Hanbal bin Ishaq, on the authority of Ahmad bin Hanbal (Meaning that he is Matruk-ul-Hadith).

    وَقَال أَبُو قدامة السرخسي ، وعثمان بن سَعِيد الدرامي عَنْ يحيى بْن مَعِين: ليس بثقة.

    In the opinion of Yahya Ibn Muin as quoted by Abu Qudamah Sarakhsi and Uthman Ibn Said: he is not trustworthy.

    وَقَال علي ابن المديني : ضعيف الحديث وتركته على عمد

    Ali Ibn Madini says: he is weak in matters of Hadith and I have forsaken him voluntarily.

    وقَال البُخارِيُّ : تركوه

    Bukhari Said: they left him.

    وَقَال مسلم : متروك

    Muslim Said: Matruk (Abandoned)

    .وَقَال النَّسَائي: ليس بثقة ولا يكتب حديثه. وَقَال فِي موضع آخر: متروك

    An-Nasai said: He is not trustworthy and his hadith is not written down. And he said in another place: Matruk (Abandoned).

    وَقَال صالح بن مُحَمَّد البغدادي : لا يكتب حديثه، وأحاديثه كلها مناكير

    Salih Muhammad Al-Baghdadi says the Ahadīih narrated by him are not worth writing and all of them mention unfamiliar things in religion.

    وَقَال زكريا بن يحيى الساجي : يحدث عن سماك، وعلقمة بن مرثد، وقيس بن مسلم، وعاصم أحاديث بواطيل

    Zakariyyah Ibn Yahya Al-Saji narrates from Sammak and Alqamah Ibn Marthad and Qays Ibn Muslim that his Ahadith are not reliable.

    وَقَال أَبُو زُرْعَة : ضعيف الحديث

    Abu Zurah says that he is weak in matters of Hadith.

    وَقَال عَبْد الرَّحْمَنِ بْن أَبي حَاتِم : سَأَلتُ أبي عنه، فقال:لا يكتب حديثه، هو ضعيف الحديث، لا يصدق، ومتروك الحديث.قلت: ما حاله في الحروف؟ قال: أَبُو بكر بن عياش أثبت منه.

    Abdul Rahman Ibn Abi Hatim says that he asked his father about Hafs. His father said that his Ahadith are not even worth writing. He is weak in matters of Hadith, cannot be attested to and his Ahadith are not acceptable. The he asked: What is the status of his letters (His Qirat of Quran/His Reading of Quran)? He said: Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyash is more reliable than him.

    وَقَال عبد الرحمن بْن يُوسُف بْن خراش : كذاب متروك يضع الحديث.

    Abdul Rahmān Ibn Yusuf says that he is a great liar, worthy of being forsaken and forges Ahadith.

    وَقَال الحاكم أَبُو أَحْمَد: ذاهب الحديث.

    Hakim Abu Ahmad says: He wastes Ahadith.

    وَقَال يَحْيَى بْن سَعِيد، عَنْ شعبة : أخذ مني حفص بن سُلَيْمان كتابا فلم يرده، وكان يأخذ كتب الناس فينسخها.

    Yahy Ibn Said says on the authority of Shuba: that he (Hafs Ibn Sulayman) took a book from him but never returned it. He would take books from people and copy them.

    وَقَال أَبُو أَحْمَد بْن عَدِيّ ، عَنْ الساجي، عن أَحْمَد بْن مُحَمَّد البغدادي، عَن يحيى بْن مَعِين: كان حفص بن سُلَيْمان، وأَبُو بكر بن عياش من أعلم الناس بقراءة عاصم، وكان حفص أقرأ من أبي بكر، وكان كذابا، وكان أَبُو بكر صدوقا.

    Abu Ahmad Ibn Addi narrates from Al-Saaji and Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Al-Baghdadi and Yahya Ibn Muin that Hafs Ibn Sulayman and Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyash are the most competent of all who know the reading of Asim. Hafs is even more competent than Abu Bakr. However, Hafs is a great liar while Abu Bakr is reliable.

    (Excerpts from Pages 13,14 and 15)

    (Abul Hajjaj Jamal-ud-Din Mizzi, Tahdib-ul-Kamal, 1st ed., vol. 7, [Beirut: Muassasah Al-Risalah, 1413 AH]).

  • Ahmad Zia Jamili

    Member January 11, 2023 at 12:58 am

    Thank you so much Qureshi Sahib, for the details and considerations.

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