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  • Praising A Portrait In A Specific Way And Challenge To Allah's Creation

    Posted by Mohammad Ali Soomro on March 2, 2023 at 6:52 am

    Assalaam u alaykum

    my question is that if a painter, for example paints someone’s portrait. and in that portrait, the painter removes all the pimples, some minor facial defects and gives the image a finer touch. and the portrait image looks very nice.

    so if someone else who sees that image says “this image looks more beautiful and better than the real person” or “the face in this image is better than his face in real life”

    so are these kinds of comments or praises okay? or are they somewhat dangerous because the person calls a creation of painter more better than creation of Allah etc. or if not better than the full creation of Allah, then at least, more better and beautiful than the 2D projection of the creation of Allah to the eye of watcher (the face in the image is more beautiful to see, to the eye, than the real image face)

    or it would it come under making competitive type comments about Allah and the painter etc

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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