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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran 2:101-102 – Is Sending Angels To Ordinary Humans A Sunnah Of Allah?

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  • Quran 2:101-102 – Is Sending Angels To Ordinary Humans A Sunnah Of Allah?

    Posted by Samama Fahim on March 10, 2023 at 2:03 pm

    And [this happened now also that] when a prophet came to them from God in confirmation of the predictions which were with them, a group among those to whom the Book was given threw this Book of God behind their backs as if they did not even know about it and [in order to harm the prophet] went after what the devils recite and chant in the name of Solomon’s kingdom. [They attribute such chants and recitals to Solomon,] whereas Solomon was never guilty of disbelief; in fact, it is such devils that were guilty of disbelief. They would teach people witchcraft. And they went after that which was revealed to two angels Hārūt and Mārūt in Babylon. Yet these two would never instruct anyone without saying to him beforehand: “We are only a trial for you; so, do not enter into this disbelief.” Even then, they would learn from them the charm by which they could create discord between husband and wife. And, in reality, they could not have harmed anyone with what they learnt except by God’s permission. [They knew this full well] and still they would learn that which would not give them any profit but which would harm them even though they knew that anyone who buys such things has no share in the life to come. How evil is the thing for which they have sold their souls. Would that they knew it! (2: 101-102)

    what sunnah of Allah is it to send the two angels to people – not to a prophet – to teach something that would have proved to be beneficial to them if they had used it for the right cause? Can we find an example of it from the Qur’an? Also

    The descent of the two angels served yet another purpose, according to Razi. He argues that to every prophet God gave some miracles in proof of the truth of his claim. Thus Harut and Marut were sent down at the time of the prophet Idris as his miracle because they could not be sent as messengers to humankind. (The Qur’an and its interpreters by Ayoub, Mahmoud, p. 135, Vol 1)

    Angels are not sent to ordinary humans. That seems to be the sunnah of Allah SWT. Is that really so?

    Ahsan replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Quran 2:101-102 – Is Sending Angels To Ordinary Humans A Sunnah Of Allah?

    Ahsan updated 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator March 11, 2023 at 1:20 am

    Plz see Discussion 4209 • Reply 4656
    Hopefully it helps

  • Ahsan

    Moderator March 11, 2023 at 1:24 am
  • Samama Fahim

    Member March 11, 2023 at 5:34 am

    On the basis of this Hadith, it can be said that Harut and Marut were sent to Bani Israel in a similar manner. However, Ghamidi sahab says that the mother of Musa AS and Maryam AS did not receive revelation independently. Rather, it was in relation to a messenger (Musa AS and Isa AS). As for Khidr, he says Musa AS saw it in a dream. But he also says that even if Allah sent his angels to the two mothers, this Hadith puts a stop to any more such mukhatibah-e-ilaahi.

    So it cannot be conclusively proved from the Qur’an that angels could not be sent to ordinary humans to former ummahs?

  • Ahsan

    Moderator March 11, 2023 at 8:24 am

    PLz mention a reference whenever you quote something.

    In my opinion, Yes it cannot be conclusively concluded.

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