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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Accidentally Hitting Someone With The Side Of A Car While Running For Your Life

  • Accidentally Hitting Someone With The Side Of A Car While Running For Your Life

    Posted by Rehman Ali on March 29, 2023 at 9:06 pm

    Assalamu Alaikum. Please help in the month of ramadan!

    After leaving the workplace, a friend of mine was on his way home when he was stopped on the road by two men on a motorcycle. They were extremely agitated or threatening, as if they wanted to steal the vehicle or assault you physically. The individual sped up their vehicle and attempted to overtake them, but failed. Fearing for his life, he sped through the roundabout and accidentally hit a person with the side of his car. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw the people gathering to help him, but he drove on anyway. Those thugs gave pursuit once more and began crushing cars with an apparent motive of murder or like in a extreme violent way one can imagine. The man drove so quickly and furiously out of sheer terror that he decided to hit his car with a truck in an attempt to save himself by gathering people this way.

    My question is: this happened in 2016. But He constantly think about the person he hit unintentionally, thinking whether he is alive or not, or got injured, or hindered him to live his life fully. What should he do now he cannot go into past and ask for forgiveness.

    Even though he didn’t want to hurt any one but those guys made him into fear and this is why he hit an innocent man. What can be done for forgiveness for this grave sin?

    Umer replied 1 year, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Accidentally Hitting Someone With The Side Of A Car While Running For Your Life

    Umer updated 1 year, 11 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar March 29, 2023 at 10:06 pm

    it was a mistake, but still, it needed to be corrected by going back to the person he hit and compensating for his loss and pain with some money. I guess this is still possible. The records are available with the relevant department of police and rescue.

    If there is no chance to find out about the person injured, the person should ask for forgiveness from God, do some charity according to his capacity, and pray in the favor of the person he hit.

    • Rehman Ali

      Member March 30, 2023 at 12:21 am

      ALLAH bless you. But, brother, what if the individual is no longer alive? or perhaps disabled or injured? or perhaps hampered from performing tasks as well as he would otherwise. The person driving doesn’t know as his side of car hit him (don’t know if that can take life of a person), he was simply in fear and escaping. What should the driving person in this situation do? Even though he didn’t want it at all and it happened because he was escaping to save himself from those bad people on a motorbike. He (the driver) feels kind of guilty and really want to remove this sin from his record. What can you suggest him to do?

      If (god forbid) the innocent person is dead then who would be held accountable in the day of judgement? and to be on a safer side, what should the driver do?

      Please reply. Jazak ALLAH

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar March 30, 2023 at 10:19 pm

    Instead of speculating, one should go to investigate and enquire after the person. It is a small word in this age of information. If he finds him, offer him compensation, if he has died, then offer the compensation to his heirs and tell them the situation in which this happened, they may consider it. If nothing is found, then pray for him and ask for forgiveness from God. Since it was a mishap therefore he can hope that he will be forgiven.

  • Umer

    Moderator March 31, 2023 at 2:38 pm

    There is separate sharia in Quran for unintentional murder and injury. Unintentional refers to the fact that the person had no intention of mudering or inflicting injury on the person, but because of some mistake on his part, the unfortunate incident happened. If such a muder or injury happens becasue of some mistake then following will be required from the individual:

    1) Payment of Diyat to the heirs of the victim in case of Murder or to the victim himself in case of Injury, unless heirs or the victim forgives it.

    2) Fasting for consecutive two months.

    But if it is established that there was no mistake on the part of the person or the mistake happened on the part of the other party (i.e. the victim), then there is no blame on the person.

    Had the matter been brought to the court then court would have decided this matter for the individual. Since the matter was not, so now it is incumbent upon the individual to analyse his situation honestly and decide whether there was any mistake on his part or not, and if not, then there is no blame on him. But if there was any mistake involved, then the above sharia would apply to the person.

    Please refer to the following video (i.e. Part-3) for complete understanding of Sharia on unintentinal muder and injury:

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