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  • Zakat On Salary

    Posted by Abdul Rahman on April 14, 2023 at 1:00 pm

    Is zakat will be applicable on total salary ,I got in 12 months or only the money that I have presently In my account.for eg my annual salary is 6 lac but presently I have only 2 lacs in my account. Then what will be zakat.

    2nd is zakat will be applicable on provident fund or pension amount that I have not found till now?

    3rd is zakat will be applicable on the money that I have invested in share and SIP?

    Jazak Allahu khair

    Umer replied 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Zakat On Salary

    Umer updated 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator April 14, 2023 at 3:13 pm

    Only first Question has been taken up for this thread. Please ask one question per thread and you can post as many questions as you’d like but keeping it to one separate question per thread.


    There are two major domains of Zakat namely ‘Wealth and Production’. For production, zakat applies on gross amount as soon as production happens, while for wealth, zakat applies once a year on a fixed date on all the wealth (excluding exemptions: (i) items of personal use and (ii) means of production). This is as per established Sunnah of Prophet (SWS) for wealth and Production.

    When production occurs, the zakat becomes due immediately on the gross amount (irrespective of the fact when one actually pays it). Salary being a form of Production is an ‘ijtihadi ilhaq‘ done by Ghamidi Sahab. However, one can calculate it on yearly gross earning and can pay it in installments as well.

    After payment of that Zakat, whatever left is one’s wealth. And if that wealth still stays with the person till the year-end i.e. the date fixed once a year for calculation of Zakat on wealth, then the whole wealth is subject to Zakat (that production earning as well which has become wealth of a person now). Both these heads are subject to Zakat only if they reach the set Nisab for Zakat Obligation.

    Please see for further details and post follow-up questions in case of any confusion:

    Discussion 58129 • Reply 58137

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