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  • Masturbation

    Posted by Mohammad Hasan on April 17, 2023 at 5:55 am

    Masturbation is a sin and it is haram . Now i am giving evidences for its prohibition . First of all Allah says in the holy quran surah al mominoon ch 23 verse 5-7 that “And those who guard their private parts excepts with their wives and slave girls than there is no blame upon them but anyone who seeks beyount that is transgression.” Many great scholars like imam al shafi implicate from this ayah that masturbation is also prohibited as its excluded from wives and slave girls. And yes the meaning of this ayah is than fulfilling sexual by any other way other than marriage is prohibited wheather its fornication homosexualtiy aur masturbation. This is the view of imam shafi and imam malik and imam abu hanifa and majority of scholars there are also some ahadith that condemn masturbation but they are daeef ahadith. Here below i have shared some pics from rasai wa masail of Molana maududi jild 2 page 155 ownwars where he has given evidences of its prohibition and the opinon of molana maududi is also given . Further there also some opinons like of ibn abbas and ata bin abi raba given in pics below ref is musannaf abdur razak and sunnan al kubra al bayhaki . Masturbation is thus prohibited in islam and some consider it makruh but majority considers it as prohibited and haram. Most important as reported in sahih bukhar holy prophet s.a.w told us how to control sexual desires and he told young people to get married or observe fast and the exact content of the hadith is given in the picture below.And even many othe members of Al mawrid also consider masturbation as loathsome and makruh act like mr rafi mufti and mr talib mohsin and dr khalid zaheer and tariq mahmood hashmi and the evidence ill give in next comment .hence try to avoid masturbation and porn .
    The following are the opinions of some of the memebers of al mawrid on masturbation as stated in above comment like of mr rafi mufti and mr talib mohsin who are the old students of ghamdi sb

    Umer replied 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Masturbation

    Umer updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator April 17, 2023 at 3:41 pm

    Bhai kyun apnay apko suspend karwana chatay hain aap, question kya hai is main?

    Ghamidi Sahab kai mutabiq Maturbation Haram nhi hai aur unka article aap neechay parh saktay hain aur iskai sath ibn-e-hazm ka nuqta-e-nazr bh parh saktay hain aur Sahaba aur Tabain ka nuqta-e-nazar bh:

    Discussion 62718

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