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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Quran 33:6 – Rights Of Prophet (sws) On Believers Is More Than Self

  • Quran 33:6 – Rights Of Prophet (sws) On Believers Is More Than Self

    Posted by Abdur Rahman on May 22, 2023 at 12:39 pm

    Considering the above narration as a historical record. The ansari sahabi (r.t.a) offering his wives to select so that he gets them divorced and that muhajir sahabi (rta) can marry her. However, the muhajir sahabi declined the offer.

    Surah Al-Ahzab (33:6)!/quran?chapter=33¶graph=3&type=Ghamidi

    Tafheem ul quran (33:6) –

    Questions related to the above verse:

    1. Please let me know background behind this verse revealation. (33:6)

    2. Did this sahabi was so cold or was it arabian culture that he never loved his wives such that he is offering his wives in such a way ?


    Was this due to the love of prophet(sws) and pairing with muhajir sahabi that he did such an offer ?


    Did prophet(sws) commanded this action and does this surah ahzab ayah (33:6) apply here ?

    3. If this was love of prophet (sws) or was his command then does Allah wants this type of love to develop in mumineen heart after prophet left this world in today’s day and age ??

    Jazakallahu Khaira

    Umer replied 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Quran 33:6 – Rights Of Prophet (sws) On Believers Is More Than Self

    Umer updated 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Umer

    Moderator May 24, 2023 at 10:43 am

    1). The background can be inferred from verse 1 and from the whole theme of Surah as well, where the center topic is revolving around schemes of hypocrites against the Prophet (sws), his family and other Muslims in general. This is further clarified in Verse 36 where countering certain objections of hypocrites, Quran mentions that after Prophet (sws) decides something for any Muslim man or woman, then that decision is obligatory for all Muslims to follow. And yes, if any such decision of Prophet Muhammad (sws) has the same ‘illat‘ with any of our situations of today’s time, then that decision of Prophet Muhammad (sws) is obligatory on us to follow as well.

    (Please refer to the following threads where this topic has been explored further: Discussion 83915) AND (Discussion 77704)

    2). What prophet (sws) did was that he established a bond of brotherhood between Ansar and Muhajiren since it was a time of crisis, so extraordinary measure was taken at that time. This does entail a share in wealth/inheritance for that muhajir being made brother of an ansari, however this does not entail share in wives. That act of Sahabi was an individual act and he went above and beyond the general directive of brotherhood and offered to divorce one of his wives in favour of his brother so that he can start his own family. It was a gesture of great sacrifice for Islam and not a gesture of hatred for one’s wife. This more appropriately falls in nusrat-e-deen domain of religion i.e. Supporting the Cause of Religion the way it is mentioned in Quran 61:10-14 and Quran 9:24.

    Quran 33:6 made this clear that now normal relationship hierarchy will be followed where blood relatives have a higher right on Muslims than all other relationships excluding the the special right of Prophet Muhammad (sws) and his wives earlier.

    3). From a principle stand-point on meaning of right of Prophet Muhammad (sws) higher than all other rights, please see response in point (1). With the addition that this was an extraordinary situation which was rectified by Quran in this verse when the crisis situation was over to some extent and there was no need for this extraordinary measure anymore.

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