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Forums Forums Youth And Islam Is Islah (Correction) Of Others A Moral Obligation?

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  • Is Islah (Correction) Of Others A Moral Obligation?

    Posted by Sameer Namole on June 20, 2023 at 4:56 am


    On daily basis, we come across many situations where our way of thinking contradicts with those we’re talking with. This happens when we’re with relatives, elders, youngers and even friends. After having listened to Ghamidi sahab since a while, I am feeling my perspective to look at things and way of thinking structure is slightly different from most other people if not all of them. So whenever in a general talk, if the subject gets changed to topics like Religion, Politics, downfall of community etc, I feel the other person is talking exact opposite of what I think ..

    So my question humbly is, “Is it our moral obligation to correct them, whether they’re mistaking in some serious things of religion etc?”

    For example many of my relatives do some sort of things that I may think is shirk but I can’t say it to them 😅 I know they won’t listen to it let alone understanding my point and changing their acts, it’ll only come with verbal debates or abuse where I will be at the receiving end always 😅 so I feel not to say anything and let them do whatever they’re doing. Would I be a sinner to let so? But I am trying to avoid unnecessary conflicts … This happens not only in religious matters but also in political discussions etc. Almost 90% of times I prefer to stay silent even after knowing where the other person is mistaking … So is it my fault if I don’t correct them when they’re not asking it? If it is not, I would always prefer to keep my mouth shut in heat of discussions and wanna avoid any kind of debates …

    Thanks in advance …

    Umer replied 1 year, 8 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies

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