The Marriage Of An Atheistic Couple
Hello there, assalamualaikum
my question is that if for suppose an atheistic man and woman decide and announce publicly that they are together as a couple and they would be playing the role of wife and husband, and mother and father for the upcoming children . and the man also gives a gift which of money to the girl (something like mahr), but the only element missing from their marriage is intention behind announcement and mahr being done as obeying to command of Allah. so would their such social act of mutual agreement of playing roles such like that and giving gift, but without intention of doing it as an obedience to command of Allah, would they be considered a halal couple and nikkah-fied couple? I mean if they later both change to Islam, would their nikkah preciously done like that be acceptable as a valid nikkah? and before accepting İslam, would their interactions be considered Zina??
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