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  • Urgent Help Needed On Matter Of Divorce

    Posted by Aisha Hussain on July 13, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    Asalaamuaalaikum, I hope you are in best of health inshaAllah.I would like to speak to Ghamdi Saab regarding a divorce matter urgently please. I have 3 children with my husband. I would like to briefly explain of what has happened. If possible is there a way to contact Ghamdi saab please.When I was expecting my child ( pregnancy) he gave me three talaqs in one go, but then got fatwa that during pregnancy the talaq isn’t valid.Second time he said you and me are divorced 3 times (which he says he can’t remember saying so) but after 30 min he came and hugged me. By his actions it looked like he wasnt serious about it and said nothing happened.Third time i was on my monthly cycle and he divorced me 3 times during a very heated argument but then from my knowledge and research talaq isn’t valid during the womans monthly cycle.We did come together again after a very short while (2-3 days) when all these talaqs were given.On the 9th july 2023 he gave me 2 talaqs in one go. He said now i have given you 2 talaqs. One from previous talaqs and one now. Which makes it two.His intention was that he has still one talaq remaining. That he hasn’t given 3 talaqs yet.Please could you guide us of whether our marriage is valid or not.JazakAllah khair

    Umer replied 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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