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  • Ahadith On Milk Kinship Giving A Different Picture Than Quranic Directive

    Umer updated 1 year, 7 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator July 14, 2023 at 4:39 am

    These narrations are against the Quran and hence cannot be accepted on the basis of the following well-established principle in Hadith Epistemology:

    ولا يقبل خبر الواحد في منافاة حكم العقل وحكم القرآن الثابت المحكم والسنة المعلومة والفعل الجاري مجرى السنة كل دليل مقطوع به

    A khabar-i wahid cannot be accepted which is against sense and reason, is against an established and explicit directive of the Quran, is against a known Sunnah or is against a practice which is observed like the Sunnah or its conflict with some conclusive argument becomes absolutely evident“.

    (Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi writes in Al-Kifayah fi ilm al-riwayah(Madinah: Al-Maktbah al-ilmiyyah, n.d.), 432.​)


    Ghamidi Sahab writes:

    Foster relationships have a similar sanctity as the real ones. While commenting on this aspect, Imam Amin Ahsan Islahi writes:

    In our society, people do not consider foster relationships as strong as what the Arabs considered them to be. This is because of the difference in customs between their society and ours. The truth of the matter is that this relationship has deep resemblance with the maternal relationship. A mother who suckles and brings up a child is his half-mother if not a full one. Moreover, how is it possible that a child not be influenced by someone whose milk has nourished and sustained him. An absence of such influence would mean that his nature has been perverted and it was necessary for a religion like Islam which conforms to human nature to reform such perversion.

    While explaining how exactly a foster relationship is formed, Imam Amin Ahsan Islahi writes:

    such a relationship is not formed by some chance episode of suckling a child. The words of the Quran stated in this verse clearly testify that this relationship is established only with the full intent of those involved. In other words, an accidental happening does not establish this relationship; it only comes into being after it is planned and is well thought of. Consequently, in the first place, the words used by the Quran are اللَّاتِي أَرْضَعْنَكُمْ وَأُمَّهَاتُكُمْ (your mothers who have suckled you). Secondly, the word رَضَاعَة (radaah) is used viz: وَأَخَوَاتُكُمْ مِنْ الرَّضَاعَة. People conversant with the subtleties of the Arabic language know that إِرْضَاع (irda) is from the ifal category which in general has an element of emphasis in it. Moreover, the word رَضَاعَة (radaah) is absolutely inappropriate to be used when a lady suckles a crying child to soothe him.

    The Prophet (sws) has also explained the above purport of the Quran in the following words:

    Aishah (rta) narrates from the Prophet (sws): If one or two drops are drunk by chance, then this does not prohibit a relationship.

    Aishah (rta)narrates: Once when the Prophet (sws) came over to my house, a person was sitting there. He disliked this situation and I could see a feeling of disgust on his face. I said: “O Messenger of God! This is my foster brother.” The Prophet (sws) replied: “Be careful regarding all such brothers because a foster relationship is only established at the time when a child is suckled in the age when he needs milk.”

    Here no one should misconceive the case of Salim, the adopted son of Abu Hudhayfah (rta), who was suckled in mature age. What at most can be said about this case was that the Prophet (sws) had suggested a way to deal with the situation that had arisen after the newly revealed directive of the Quran regarding adopted children. It cannot be made the basis of a permanent directive. The case of Salim is thus:

    فَجَاءَتْ سَهْلَةُ بِنْتُ سُهَيْلِ بن عَمْرٍو الْقُرَشِيِّ ثُمَّ الْعَامِرِيِّ وهى امْرَأَةُ أبي حُذَيْفَةَ فقالت يا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِنَّا كنا نَرَى سَالِمًا وَلَدًا وكان يَأْوِي مَعِي وَمَعَ أبي حُذَيْفَةَ في بَيْتٍ وَاحِدٍ وَيَرَانِي فُضْلًا وقد أَنْزَلَ الله عز وجل فِيهِمْ ما قد عَلِمْتَ فَكَيْفَ تَرَى فيه فقال لها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أَرْضِعِيهِ

    So Sahlah who was the wife of Abu Hudhayfah (rta) and the daughter of Suhayl ibn ‘Amr al-Qarshi al-Amiri once came to the Prophet (sws) and said: “O Messenger of God! We always considered Salim as our son. He used to live with me and with Abu Hudhayfah in the same house and would see me in my house clothes. You are well aware of the directive which the Almighty has revealed about such boys. Now, what is your opinion regarding this matter?” The Prophet (sws) replied: “Feed him with your milk.”

    Hence, it is absolutely certain that for fosterage it is essential that the child be in the suckling age and that the matter be a planned one and not an accidental one. Moreover, foster relations are prohibited for marriage just as the ones through lineage are.

    (Excerpt from Meezan: Javed Ahmed Ghamidi)

    (English Rendering by Dr. Shehzad Saleem)

    (For Further Details: Discussion 29875)


    Please also refer to the video below from 36:21 to 50:30

  • Talha Mujahid

    Member July 14, 2023 at 5:04 am

    Ghamidi sb ki aik video main main nay suna tha k ibn e hazam k ilawa ummat ka ijmaah h k khbr e wahid say sirf basic level ki rahnmayi lee ja skti ha. Kia aap bray ulama karaam k kuch qol mention kr sktay hain related to akhbaar e ahaad

    • Umer

      Moderator July 14, 2023 at 5:40 am

      Please post it as a separate question.

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