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Arsh Of Allah (Throne Of God) In Quran
Posted by Zaid Khan on August 16, 2023 at 11:01 pmCan someone provide with a writings/audio of Ghamidi sahab on on issue of Allah being “above his throne”, what does Allah mean when He says that because We know He is not contained in time and space.
JazakAllah khayr
Umer replied 1 year, 6 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Arsh Of Allah (Throne Of God) In Quran
Faisal Haroon
Moderator August 16, 2023 at 11:19 pmPlease see:
Zaid Khan
Member August 16, 2023 at 11:30 pmJazakAllah khayr but in the video Umar bhai posted as the first comment, Ghamidi sahab said the context to the verse will explain if it should be taken literally or metaphorically but he never went on to explain which it was, can you guide me to where is then explains it? JazakAllah khayr.
Moderator August 18, 2023 at 12:21 amIn Quran, the concept of Arsh has been used in both literal sense and metaphorical sense. In most of the places, it is used to represent the kingdom of Allah, while in some places it is used to represent an actual physical throne of Allah. It is the context which helps in understanding the right meaning, for example, in all the verses where it is used in the meaning of Kingdom of Allah, those verses are talking about running of affairs of this universe by Allah after its creation; and in the verses where physical throne is meant, the context is regarding the day of judgement where Angels will be holding the throne of Allah which leaves no room for any other meaning but literal. Although we know the meaning of throne (‘Arsh‘) but we cannot know the reality of this throne in relation to the being of God and Quran has asked us to stay away from knowing the reality of these things since their reality is beyond the realm of our knowledge.
Quran verses using Arsh in the meanign of Kingdom:
7:54 (!/quran?chapter=7¶graph=12&type=Ghamidi)
10:3 (!/quran?chapter=10¶graph=2&type=Ghamidi)
11:7 (!/quran?chapter=11¶graph=3&type=Ghamidi)
13:2 (!/quran?chapter=13¶graph=2&type=Ghamidi)
17:42 (!/quran?chapter=17¶graph=13&type=Ghamidi)
20:5 (!/quran?chapter=20¶graph=1&type=Ghamidi)
21:22 (!/quran?chapter=21¶graph=8&type=Ghamidi)
23:86 (!/quran?chapter=23¶graph=20&type=Ghamidi)
23:116 (!/quran?chapter=23¶graph=26&type=Ghamidi)
25:59 (!/quran?chapter=25¶graph=18&type=Ghamidi)
27:26 (!/quran?chapter=27¶graph=10&type=Ghamidi)
32:4 (!/quran?chapter=32¶graph=2&type=Ghamidi)
40:15 (!/quran?chapter=40¶graph=5&type=Ghamidi)
43:82 (!/quran?chapter=43¶graph=24&type=Ghamidi)
57:4 (!/quran?chapter=57¶graph=2&type=Ghamidi)
81:20 (!/quran?chapter=81¶graph=2&type=Ghamidi)
85:15 (!/quran?chapter=85¶graph=4&type=Ghamidi)
Quran verses using Arsh in the meanign of Literal Throne:
39:75 (!/quran?chapter=39¶graph=36&type=Ghamidi)
40:7 (!/quran?chapter=40¶graph=3&type=Ghamidi)
69:17 (!/quran?chapter=69¶graph=5&type=Ghamidi)
Faisal Haroon
Moderator August 16, 2023 at 11:53 pmEverything in the Quran that transcends this physical world is metaphorical (mutashabih).
For further details please see:
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