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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Hadith As A Form Of Revelation In The Light Of Quran 53:3-4 And Quran 16:44

  • Hadith As A Form Of Revelation In The Light Of Quran 53:3-4 And Quran 16:44

    Posted by Abdul Sattar Ahmed on August 19, 2023 at 9:45 am

    Heard someone say that Wahi Is also a form of Wahi and hence important as Quran.

    For proof, they cited surah Najam verse 3 where it says “neither does he speak his own whims. It is only revelation sent down to him”.

    I find this very bizarre for 2 reasons as 1) I’m pretty sure this refers to claims of Qureshi and makkans calling the actual Quran revealed to the prophet (S) made up by him and Allah (set) responding to them in surah najam. 2) if each and every thing the prophet (S) said was Wahi then what about the non-religious or secular conversations he had in the privacy of his own home or with his close relatives. For example he could have told his wives to pass him some food or anything related to his humanly needs in the comfort of his home, would that also be a wahi 😕?

    Furthermore they cited surah 16:44 as well where Allah (SWT) says that the prophet (S) was given a reminder so that he could explain the Quran to them via Hadith which I find somewhat does makes sense. But given the whole history of Hadith compilation etc it seems that the early Muslims had literally missed the bus and we’re not as rigorous to preserve the Hadith from day 1 as to not mix it up with the Quran and hence the development of the whole sciences etc.

    Nevertheless proponents of Hadith as revelation claim that if a Hadith is proven to be Sahih, it is “Qataee” and should be treated as revelation and should be followed. I’m interested in what was the origin of the doctrine I mentioned in the previous sentence and what Ghamidi Sahibs proof is that not all Hadith irregardless of being Sahih are Qataee.

    Abdul Sattar Ahmed replied 1 year, 6 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Hadith As A Form Of Revelation In The Light Of Quran 53:3-4 And Quran 16:44

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 20, 2023 at 3:28 am

    Please follow this series of lectures

    • Abdul Sattar Ahmed

      Member August 21, 2023 at 8:54 am

      Thanks Irfan Sahib 😊. Yes I am eagerly following this part of 23 series and have rewatched some of them as my Urdu is not as good as Ghamidi’s or Hassan Sahibs 😅

  • Umer

    Moderator August 21, 2023 at 12:51 am

    Regarding Quran 53:3-4, your understanding is correct that the context of these verses is clearly talking about revelation of Quran and after considering the context, there remains no room for any other interpretation. For comments of Ghamidi Sahab on this verse of Quran, please refer to the first two videos posted below.

    Regarding Quran 16:44, the verb “Baiyana” can be used in both meanings when it is used with a thing. Its meaning is to show somthing/to divulge something/to expose something. When this verb is used for a thing specially any Kalam (words/text), then it means to show that thing or to expose that thing or to divulge that thing. And when it is used for a thing which is already in existence, then it can also mean to explain that thing, like in an exegesis. The context of the verses according to Ghamidi Sahab do not leave any room for this word to be taken in the second meanining of explaining things. Rather it is the former meaning and the same has been understood by the Muslim scholars of the first three centuries. For details, please refer to the third video posted below.

    Knowledge attained from Hadith narrations is always Zanni (reasonable assurance) and not Qatae (absolute assurance) and this is an agreed upon principle among scholars of ilm-e-Hadith (with the only exception of Zahiriya and Ibn-e-Hazm is the most prominent representative of this view). The mode of transmittion associated with Hadith (akhbar-i-Ahad) has some inherent limitations which can never be overcome completely. ilm-ur-rijal came into existence to mitigate these limitations. The reason we have rigorous principles in place while approaching any Hadith (Please see: Discussion 56230) is to make sure that these limitations in individual reportings could be minimized. But still, they could never be eliminated completely because despite these controls in place, certain inherent limitations embedded with this particular mode of transmission (i.e. Akhbar-i-ahad) could never be overcome. That is why we can never attain absolute assurance from Hadith; at best, after applying all the principles of understanding Hadith very carefully, we can attain only reasonable assurance. Please refer to the following thread and the videos provided therein for further details:

    Discussion 85583

  • Umer

    Moderator August 21, 2023 at 12:52 am

    First Video (Quran 53:3-4):

    Please refer from 32:09 to 33:39

  • Umer

    Moderator August 21, 2023 at 12:52 am

    Second Video (Quran 53:3-4):

    Please refer from 35:49 to 36:46

  • Umer

    Moderator August 21, 2023 at 12:53 am

    Third Video (Quran 16:44):

    Please refer from 22:48 to 30:37

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