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Forums Forums Islamic Sharia Difference Beween Zakat And Sadqat And Giving To Professional Beggars

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  • Difference Beween Zakat And Sadqat And Giving To Professional Beggars

    Posted by Shaheer Tariq on September 17, 2023 at 10:42 am

    AOa, I want to ask who is the most eligible for Zakat and sadqat. 2. I am giving 5 percent of my savings every week into charity is it right,wrong or better? Because I won’t give 2.5 percent every year.? Third is it okay to give money to beggar now a days because it is said they are professionals but at the same time leaving anyone empty handed isn’t recommended.

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Difference Beween Zakat And Sadqat And Giving To Professional Beggars

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar September 18, 2023 at 1:18 am

    Zakat should be given after calculation, however, nafal or optional charity is your choice. On savings, you have to pay 2.5 percent in one year, and on the zakat of production (ushar) you have to pay 10 or 5 percent of the production. 10% When the production is earned either through labor or capital. if both labor and capital are involved then you have to give 5% of the production to charity. Taxes are included in the payment of Zakat.

    You can give zakat and charity weekly, or monthly, or yearly, as you like.

    Zakat can be given to anyone needy, not necessarily extremely poor. One whose means are insufficient to meet his basic necessities, including education fees, wedding, etc., is eligible to take zakat. It can be spent in any way which requires money.

    Professional beggars should be discouraged. There is no obligation to leave someone empty-handed.

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