Cash Advance From A Company
السلام عليكم!
There’s a freelancing company which has feature called advance cash, which is available to only limited and selected individuals, based on their performance, the brief description of what this is and how it works, according to them, is as follow:
Cash Advance gives our selected sellers the option to receive an on-the-spot cash advance to grow their business. The advance is immediately deposited into their Personal Balance and is available for withdrawal.
There is no pressure to pay the Cash Advance, especially since no interest is charged. The way you pay it back is with your future earnings—for every sale you make as a our company’s seller, 40% of your earnings is used to pay the Cash Advance in full. When you don’t have earnings, you don’t pay the Cash Advance.
How it works:
In exchange for a cash advance, you agree to sell a set amount of your future Company earnings at a discount. For example, we as a Company could give you a cash advance of $1,000 to purchase $1,136 of your future Company earnings.
I hope you have read the above brief description, now, My question is that can we take it?
Thank you!
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