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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Swearing (Qasam) Dialogues For Character In Drama

  • Swearing (Qasam) Dialogues For Character In Drama

    Posted by Rimsha on November 2, 2023 at 8:27 pm

    Salam Everyone

    How you see swearing (Qasam) other than God in acting?

    If someone works in Entertainment Industry and act in drama or something and he/she plays a character which doesn’t has any immoral or unethical thing, but if some other person in same drama has a dialogue of swearing other than God, like swear of that night or Swear to life or mother anything like that( which is shirk to swear other than God), So will the other person who’s role is morally Good, be responsible for that person because he/she is also working in same drama which people will see and has shirk in it,

    motive was not to promote shirk but just like many other dramas and movies have swearing other than God dialogues I don’t know why they write like that. Because if we see like that it might not be possible for many people to work who works within limits set religion to work in so many things but on the other hand it’s matter of shirk

    Is it wrong, will it be considered a sin and whole cast and crew will be responsible or something… How to understand it

    Maybe bit similar question have asked before but want clarify on this question


    Umer replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Swearing (Qasam) Dialogues For Character In Drama

    Umer updated 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator November 6, 2023 at 12:33 am

    Please see:

    Discussion 50277

  • Rimsha

    Member November 6, 2023 at 5:47 am

    I read it, it’s helpful

    1- How about swearing to anything or anyone other than ALLAH in acting not in reality, How Ghamidi Sahab sees it. Is it equivalent to real sin? Is it condemnable or is it promoting sin or something?

    2- In shared dissuasion it was about character of non Muslim and who is already non Muslim but if a Muslim in character and also in Muslim country drama say dialogues of Qasam Other than ALLAH, is same rule applies for Muslim as well? Whether he/she is Muslim or Non-muslim, If the Muslim in Muslim country drama says dialogues like this only he/she is responsible, I can play my part in same drama if I am not doing anything wrong, Nothing wrong being the part of that drama…this is what I understand. Am I understand it correctly

    • Umer

      Moderator November 9, 2023 at 10:17 pm

      If a Muslim is acting as a Non-Muslim in a Drama and has to utter any words related to that other religion which are otherwise objectionable in Islam, it is acceptable. However, if a Muslim is acting as a Muslim in drama and he has to utter words clearly Haram in religion then despite the fact it is acting, it is discouraged (not calling it a Major Sin since he is acting but it is better to even avoid that because even if the person does not hold this belief and is only acting, yet the portrayal of his religion is with acts which are a major sin in religion). There can be cases where such wrong portrayal is not made in absolute sense, rather the purpose is general education and the script makes sure that the public is educated about these wrong beliefs or such wrong beliefs are countered in some way, in all such scenarios, such portrayal would not even be discouraged.

      All of this does not effect any other actor who is playing in the same drama and has no part in the objectionable portion.

  • Rimsha

    Member November 10, 2023 at 4:23 am

    Sorry I’m unable to understand when you said “There can be cases where such wrong portrayal is not made in absolute sense, rather the purpose is general education and the script makes sure that the public is educated about these wrong beliefs or such wrong beliefs are countered in some way, in all such scenarios, such portrayal would not even be discouraged.” Can you please explain it

    • Umer

      Moderator November 13, 2023 at 11:54 pm

      If the intention behind such script is to educate general public about these wrong beliefs in the society with one actor expressing those wrong beliefs and another actor countering them, with the over all intention to educate the society.

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