Quran 6:108 – Ghamidi Sahab's Stance And Translation Of Sabb (“سب”)
In this following video on YouTube, at 16:25, Ghamidi sahb says that in the Quran سب is not used as گالی, but rather as برا بھلا کہنا or تنقید کرنا. So, in the historical traditions when it is said that Muawiyah RA used the mimbar to سب Ali RA, this was to criticize him, not as an invective (گالی).
But I looked up Ghamidi sahb’s translation of Quran 6:108, where he has indeed translated سب as گالی. This contradicts what he said in the YouTube video, that سب didn’t mean گالی. And he is also talking specifically about this ayat (Anam 108).
Would like some clarification please, thank you.
Video: at 16:25
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