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Question Regarding Prehistoric Stories In Quran
Posted by Sami Uddin on January 12, 2024 at 10:18 amAsalam-o-Alaikum!
May Allah accept your dawah efforts. Please kindly clarify my confusion in light of your knowledge.
Should we need to believe in the Quran after analyzing its content or do we have to accept the Quran as true and believe whatever is presented in the book without questioning?
If we have to believe in the Quran after analyzing then how we can assess prehistoric Quranic stories to know whether those stories are real or not?
Sami Uddin replied 1 year, 1 month ago 2 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
Question Regarding Prehistoric Stories In Quran
Moderator January 15, 2024 at 11:10 pmThe arguments for Quran being divine are also presented in Quran. One can believe in prehistoric stories if one is satisfied with the arguments of divinity presented by Quran.
For details on arguments presented by Quran, please refer to the following thread:
For a short reponse, Please refer to the video below from 1:18:10 to 1:20:33
Sami Uddin
Member January 16, 2024 at 3:50 amFirst of all, thanks for responding to my question, I appreciate it.
As I understand you argued that there is enough reason to believe in the divinity of the Quran, based on which we can also accept prehistoric Quranic stories as true. As an argument, it is fair enough. But to prove the divinity of the Quran the Ghamidi’s argument is not convincing enough because of three reasons.
A) Some portions of the Quran, like the contents on the Hereafter and prehistoric events, are not verifiable so no one can able to critically assess them therefore this portion is free from criticism.
B) People have criticized the portion of the Quran that addresses the modern world phenomena. For example, permitting of beating one’s wife, age human, and creation of Earth before the heavens. For finding more criticism see this link:
C) The third reason is that the interpreters of the Quran always change their interpretations to evade criticism. For example, the old interpreters used to say the Quran says the world is static but when science proved that it is not static then interpreters changed their interpretation and started saying that the Quran doesn’t refer the earth as static rather it implies that the earth is stable and not shaky.
Moderator January 17, 2024 at 1:46 amA). This is partially correct that exact details of preshistoric events and those of the hereafter cannot be verified. However, as far as prehistoric events are concerned, the perpetuity of knowledge regarding several events provide another basis for their existence, the way certain incidents have been in transmission from gneration after generation. Even in the absence of Quran expounding on certain details regarding those events, they would still be known to exist without those details or atleast their plausibility would still be known. As the most prominent example, many prominent incidents mentioned in the history of Bani-Israel which are in perpetual transmission. As for the hereafter, the events cannot be verified as they will happen in our future but the basis of the concept of hereafter can be proved logically and potent arguments have been presented by Quran in this regard. Please see for those arguments:
Similarly, Quran uses other evidence ranging from intuitive evidence to empirical evidence to prove its premise. Please see:
B). Many of these points have had already been addressed many times by different scholars and more abundantly over the span of past 10-15 years. Ghamidi Sahab has also addressed these points. You can ask a separate question for each point but I am sharing whatever has already been discussed by Ghamidi Sahab to the best of my memory:
C). Except for one or two prominent examples, no further examples can be provided in this regard. Just because some scolars interpreted a particular Quranic verse while getting influenced by the science of their time, this does not mean that whole premise of religion is false and this also does not mean that if they had wrongly interpreted a verse, then that mistake should not be rectified. The words of Quran are safe and intact and every person can refer to the source himself to see whether or not the arguments presented by those scholars of the past in the interpretation of those verses were correct or not.
For this, I’d recommend you to watch the following discussion:
Moderator January 17, 2024 at 1:48 amThe short response in the first reply has been replaced with another video which better summarizes the point.
Sami Uddin
Member January 17, 2024 at 11:14 amThanks for your kind effort, I’ll review your provided information. I might bother you again if needed.
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