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  • Belief In Hadith A Necessary Requisite For Belief In Quran?

    Posted by Aejaz Ahmed on January 17, 2024 at 12:33 am

    ایک اسکالر صاحب فرما رہے تھے کہ حدیث کے حجت ہونے کے انکار سے قرآن پر ایمان لانے کا راستہ بند ہوجاتا ہے۔ یعنی قرآن کا قرآن ہونا ہی حدیث کی حجیت پر موقوف ہے۔

    کیا یہ بات درست ہے ؟؟

    Umer replied 1 year, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Belief In Hadith A Necessary Requisite For Belief In Quran?

    Umer updated 1 year, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Faraz Siddiqui

    Member January 17, 2024 at 10:28 am

    یہ ٹیکنیکل نکتہ آفرینی ہے۔ قران بھی قولِ رسول ہے اور حدیث بھی ۔ قرآن کا قرآن ہونا رسول اللہ نے ہی بتایا ہے۔ اس پر عمل کا طریقہ آپ کی سنت ہے۔ عام لوگ حدیث اور سنت میں فرق نہیں کرتے اس لیے اس طرح کی باتیں علما لوگ کہہ دیا کرتے ہیں حدیث کی وہ اہمیت ثابت کرنے کے لیے جو رسول اللہ نے نہیں بتائی یعنی وحی خفی اور اسکا قرآن کی طرح حجت ہونا۔

  • Umer

    Moderator January 18, 2024 at 12:47 am

    The issue is not hujjiyat of Hadith. The primary issue lies in the mode of tranmission between Quran and Hadith. Quran on the one hand has been transmitted through Ijma and Tawatur while Hadith on the other hand has been transmitted through individual reportings. Quran does not need verification from our end while Hadith needs to be verified first. After hadith is verified and we find it to be authentic, then there is no difference between Quran and Hadith in terms of Hujjiyat.

    Following Passage of Molana Islahi is relevant in this context:

    Among the dhanni [non-definite] sources of tafsir, Ahadith and Athar occupy the highest status. If their authenticity could have been fully relied upon, they would have had the same importance in tafsir as the Sunnat-i Mutawatirah. However, since Ahadith and Athar do not possess this degree of authenticity, they can only be benefited from as far as they are found to be in conformity with the absolute principles of interpreting the Quran delineated above. Those who give such importance to the Hadith that they make the Quran subservient to it are neither aware of the status of the Quran nor that of the Hadith. On other hand, people who don’t even refer to the Ahadith and Athar in interpreting the Quran deprive themselves of a great treasure second only to the Quran. I consider the Hadith to be totally derived from the Quran; thus I have not confined myself to Ahadith which are mentioned in relation to a verse of the Quran; as far as I could, I have tried to benefit from the whole corpus of the Hadith. They have helped me the most in understanding the wisdom of the Qur’an. If I have found a Hadith which is not in harmony with the Quran, I have deliberated upon it for a long period, and I have only rejected it when it became abundantly clear to me that it was against the Quran or it was in conflict with some principle of religion. As far as correct Ahadith are concerned, seldom has there arisen a case in which they contradict the Quran; however, when this was the case, I have preferred the Quran to them, and have written my reasons of this preference in detail.”

    (Amin Ahsan Islahi, Tadabbur-i Quran, vol. 1, 30)


    Please also refer to the video below from 16:29 to 23:47

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