What Was Jesus's Real Name In Arabic?
In Arabic Jesus’ name was Isa, and in Hebrew his name is Yeshua. However, when translating Yeshua into Arabic, I found that it does not become Isa, but rather Yasu.
Arabic and Hebrew are very similar in nature when it comes to the words and sounds. The words Shalom is the equivalent of Salam. The letter Shin is the equivalent Sin. And so on and so forth. In aramaic, Jesus’ name was is spelt like thile following in Hebrew, the Hebrew equivalent, and the Arabic norm.
Yeshua: Yod + Shin + Waw + Ain
Yasu: Yas + Sin + Waw + Ain
Isa: Ain + Ya + Sin + Ya
With this said, what was Jesus’ real name in Arabic? Was it Isa or Yasu?
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