Getting Impressed By Beauty And Status Of Staring
Is it biological possible & Islamically permissible to look or stare at someone of same & opposite sex who appears beautiful & charming without sexual desires ?
Merely every one of us experiences & witness the beauty of men & women which usually appears ! We respect them we look at them as by nature human being like every thing which seems to be beautiful or charming! we see them with goodness as we see our own mahrams without lust or sexual desires! Example in family gathering or work place or in any decent television program! Now the question is ,is it possible biologically to stare some ones usually exposed beauty like face , height ,skin colour with out arousing sexual desires? & Is It sinful to so such even without lust? Is there any narrations which condemns this or any narrations which describes it’s permissiblity & had such scenarios even in sahabas era?
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