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Forums Forums Sources of Islam Contradiction Between Quran 2:213 And Quran 5:48


  • Contradiction Between Quran 2:213 And Quran 5:48

    Posted by Khyber Khan on February 4, 2024 at 7:34 am

    سوررہ مائدہ میں اللہ فرماتا ہے کہ ہم نے ہر ایک کے لیے ایک شریعت مقرر فرمایا اور اللہ چاہتا تو سب کو ایک امت بناتا اور سوررہ بقرہ میں فرماتا ہے کہ لوگ ایک ہی امت تھے پھر ان میں اختلاف پیدا ہوا اور اللہ نے نبی بھیجے بشارت اور انذار کے لیے۔

    میرا سوال یہ ہے کہ ایک جانب اللہ فرماتا ہے کہ گویا یہ اس کی ہی حکمت ہے کہ ایک امت نہیں بنائی گئی اور دوسری جانب ایک امت نہ ہونے کی وجہ لوگوں کے اختلاف کو قرار دیا گیا ہے ۔ اس بات کو وضاحت فرما دیجئے ۔ شکریہ ۔

    Umer replied 1 year, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Contradiction Between Quran 2:213 And Quran 5:48

    Umer updated 1 year, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Deleted User 9739

    Member February 5, 2024 at 12:39 am

    “A reasonable way out of this predicament is to contextualize these passages and one way to do that is to take 2:213 as indicative of the essential relatedness of human beings before God. This approach draws from verse 172 of Sura 7 ( al-A’raf ) in which God calls forth all the descendents of Adam — all of humanity — and asks them who is their Lord, and they all affirm the lordship of God. The notion of a single community of mankind in 2:213 can be taken to point to this transhistorical covenant between God and all of mankind as descendants of Adam. The unfolding of history then tests humanity on their allegiance to the lordship of God and its implications, and prophets are sent to remind people of their duties and warn them of the consequences of their violations. Now verse 5:48 is explained as addressing not the transhistorical singular community of the descendants of Adam, but the historical communities formed by the allegiances of the humanity to the various prophets that God has sent. The verse is beautifully tolerant of the plurality of the faithful communities and demands that the prophet Muhammad preserve this plurality. The inhabitants of these communities are not heretics, for not being nominal Muslims, but, in fact, they carry out the will of God and spread virtue.”


    Please also see Footnote to 2:213 in Muhammad Asad’s commentary to Quran, which corroborates the above view:

    “What is alluded to in this verse is no more than the relative homogeneity of instinctive perceptions and inclinations characteristic of man’s primitive mentality and the primitive social order in which he lived in those early days. Since that homogeneity was based on a lack of intellectual and emotional differentiation rather than on a conscious agreement among the members of human society, it was bound to disintegrate in the measure of man’s subsequent development. As his thought-life became more and more complex, his emotional capacity and his individual needs, too, became more differentiated, conflicts of views and interests came to the fore, and mankind ceased to be “one single community” as regards their outlook on life and their moral valuations: and it was at this stage that divine guidance became necessary.”

  • Umer

    Moderator February 5, 2024 at 1:30 am

    They both are effectively saying the same thing but from different angles. Quran 2:213 mentions this fact that human beings deviated from the right path because of use of their freewill which has led to the whole scheme of prophethood. Quran 5:48 describes the scheme of God in this regard that he has given this freedom to humans and God did not intervene in this matter and tested them with whatever they had at that point of time and by giving them Sharia which was appropriate for each time.

    God did not make one ummah because he gave both Hidaya and freewill to humans from the first day, but it is the ultimate result of this freewill that humans will differ which would lead to disagreements and hence there can never be one ummah. This fact can be stated in both these terms:

    i) As a result: Human beings devaited from one ummah because of the differences created by them.

    ii) As a cause: God did not intervene in this matter to keep them one Ummah because it is his scheme that Human beings should exercise freewill and be held accountable accordingly.

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