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Prophet Adam And Variations In Human Race Including Skin Colour Etc
Posted by Shayiq Shah on February 21, 2024 at 5:24 amMy qn is are we from different adams,meaning that had humans also before prophet adam….
Does any hadith support either of your approaches
Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Prophet Adam And Variations In Human Race Including Skin Colour Etc
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar February 21, 2024 at 5:51 amThe Qur’an is very clear that all are the children of Adam.
See the verse 4:1
Shayiq Shah
Member February 21, 2024 at 6:56 amHow much today’s humans are old…
I mean how it’s possible of grand variations like creed,skin color, differences in small time of even 40 thousand yrs..
Shayiq Shah
Member February 21, 2024 at 7:11 amActually I get something from qadiani sources …I am pasting it here sir..
According to a news of Daily Telegraph London (reproduced in Sydney Morning Herald 12th February 1997) a 12,500 footprint, along with thousands of artifacts, believed that have been 13,000 years older than the oldest human tools, have been found in Chile. This recent discovery has mentioned the theories of how and when the earliest humans arrived in Americas.
Another research had appeared a few months ago according to which the people of aboriginal stock of Australia inhabited America 14,000 years ago. The Australian Newspapers captioned the news to the effect that Australians were the first occupants of America.
With regard to the Australian aborigines, the scientists believe that they have been living here for at least the last 40,000 years. A recent archaeological find rather suggests that as soon as the humans reached the Homo Erectus Stage in the evolutionary process, believed to be 176,000 years ago, they somehow reached Australia. Alternatively, the life evolved independently at different centres e.g. Africa, Central Asia, Java and Australia. (Contrary to the popular belief that life originated in Africa from where it spread to different parts of the world.)
The Archaeological discoveries, therefore lead us to believe that in any case humans had inhabited various parts of the world before much before the advent of Adam. This is however, contradictory to the statement of the Bible that Adam was the first man created on earth (Genesis 1:26 to 2:8). This is one of the pronouncements of the Bible, which being in conflict with Science, have cast doubts in the minds of it’s followers about it’s authenticity or the very existence of God’s revelation, and have consequently turned them atheists and agnostics.
But the Quran tells us a different story. The Promised Messiah peace be upon him had said much earlier than the above mentioned discoveries became public that, “We believe in the existence of human race before Adam”. An English scholar of Astronomy, Professor Rege met the Promised Messiah on 12th May and 18th May 1908 in Lahore and asked him a few questions as reported in Malfooza’at Vol. 10, Pages 353 and 426. Among other questions he asked: “It is written in the Bible that Adam or say the first man was born in Jeehoon, Seehon and belonged to that country. Are, then, all the mankind, that is found in different parts of the world like America and Australia, the descendants of the same Adam?” To this question the Promised Messiah replied, “We do not follow the Bible in holding that the world began with the birth of Adam six or seven thousand years ago, and that before this there was nothing, and God was, as it were idle and without work. Neither do we claim that all mankind who are now found in different parts of the earth, are the progeny of the self-same Adam. On the Contrary we hold that this Adam was not the first man. Mankind existed even before him, as is hinted by the Quran itself, when it says to Adam, “I am about to place a Khalifa in the earth.” As Khalifa means successor, it is clear that man existed even before Adam. Hence we cannot say whether the original inhabitants of America, Australia etc. are the progeny of this last Adam or some other Adam gone before him. (Malfooza’at Vol. 10, Page 426).
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar February 21, 2024 at 11:45 pmNo information is given about when Adam was created. The information in the Bible is speculations of the authors who recorded the history.
The inferences of Mirza saheb from Quran on this matter is wrong. human like creatures existed but the first person who received the human soul was Adam and the Present humanity is his progeny as per the statement of Quran verse 4:1.
The word khalifah or successor is not used with its possessor like successor of someone. When the word khalifah is used without its possessor it means in Arabic the man with authority or a ruler.
For detail you refer to the video lectures of Ghamidi saheb on origin of Adam in the light of Quran.
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