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  • The Quest For A Ruling

    Posted by Yaver Javid on March 13, 2024 at 9:27 am

    Ghamdi sahab states in tafseer of surah zumr ayah 1-3:


    > This Book has been revealed from God,in a very thorough manner, Who is Powerful, very Wise. We have revealed this Book to you [O Prophet] with the decisive truth. [2] So, worship God alone while sincerely obeying Him only. [3] Listen! Pure obedience is for God alone. [4] People who have made other guardians besides God and say: “We only worship them so that they can bring us closer to God,” [5] God shall definitely decide between them in what they are differing. Indeed, God does not guide [6] those who are liars and ingrates. [7]


    2 le., it has been revealed as a decisive truth in the differences these people have created in polytheism and monotheism.

    3 le., in a manner that only He is worshipped and without any condition or restriction only He is obeyed.

    4 le., such pure obedience in which there is not the slightest semblance of adulteration from anyone.

    My questions:

    >> If 4 is true then why God uses jannah as a motivation. Isn’t that an adulteration?

    Yaver Javid replied 6 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • The Quest For A Ruling

    Yaver Javid updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar March 14, 2024 at 2:25 am

    Jannah is not something rival to God. It is the place where His pleasure will manifest itself. Therefore it is conducive to seeking the pleasure of God.

    • Yaver Javid

      Member March 14, 2024 at 7:32 am

      Take a scenario where i am motivated to pray because wudu keeps me clean & due to it i start praying. Is it wrong now?

      It seems Ghamidi sahab probably saw hadiths then understood this verse where as the asool is not understandable nor is it possible.

      For example I want to do a sin but found no means to do that, does it mean I am a criminal already. No.

      But I stopped because of for example in fear of people, is it wrong.

      Jannah here does same thing and violates this principle. It is hard to believe this even is a part of religion.

      This is a main part of religion and effects every breath of a believer and should have been a main part of quran especially when you say its shirik.

      Although Ghamidi sahab calls it a polythiestic attitude and differentiates it from shirik (whatever that means).

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar March 15, 2024 at 2:57 am

    The primary intention is to please God and jannah is the reward. God has motivated us through it. Something to be polytheistic needs to be against God or rival to Him. This is what our religion told us.

    • Yaver Javid

      Member March 17, 2024 at 1:03 am

      Well it’s clear allah owns us so we do not have to test the hukm rather follow it. Ghamidi as well as islahi has understood the end of 2nd ayah as this.

      3rd ayah just repeats this saying obedience without conditions is for only god. That makes most sense.

      Because it’s the lazmi aqli nateeja of the last part.

      ?] Why would god ever say obedience in which there is no adulteration from anybody is only for god. Seems disconnected from deen.

      Although your understanding of shrik is severely flawed. Shrik is mentioned what it is in the earlier video that i gave you earlier. I don’t think it has anything to do with rivals.

  • Mohammad Ali Soomro

    Member March 15, 2024 at 3:22 am

    Brother what I understand is that there’s a difference of doing something of worship to please Allah and then expecting a reward from Allah, in the form of jannah for that pleasure of Allah.

    And doing something of worship to primarily gain something else other than pleasure of Allah.

    When we say someone pray Nafl Namaz for getting Jannah. it’s not like Jannah is a thing that is found in the physical world and as a means to get to Jannah you need namaz. Rather the map a Muslim has in his mind is that when he yearns for Jannah, then he gets to know that Allah will give it to me if I please and worship Allah. So now that person prays a nafl namaz -> in order to please Allah… and in heart that person is hoping from Allah that Allah rewards the person for his efforts of ibadah to please Allah, in the form of Jannah.

    This thing is not like the situation of a person praying namaz primarily because he saw that some uncle is giving out money to those who pray Zühr namaz. so that person prays Namaz zuhr primarily with intention to recieve money from that uncle. Here we can say he made Allah’s worship a direct means to money (Not a means to Allah’s pleasure). Here this is not good and it’s riyakari. This money is not a result of Allah’s pleasure in the sense, as I told about Jannah.

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