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Forums Forums Islam And Family Adultery And Its Implications As Sadd-e-Zariya And Haqooq-Ul-Ibad


  • Adultery And Its Implications As Sadd-e-Zariya And Haqooq-Ul-Ibad

    Posted by Rehman Ali on April 28, 2024 at 12:28 am

    While I was going through some answers, I came across one Answer which had this content “One more thing is adultary comes under huqooqullah or huqooqulibaad ? If it comes under huqooqullah . What about the aggrieved party who’s trust and rights are infringed ? How the concept of huqooqulibaad apply in this case?”

    My question is, for example, if Mr. A’s wife is friends with Mr. X., and they both were friends but also had some romantic or limit crossing talks as well, including some nudes. Now, that after some time, this Mr. X wants to repent sincerely, but how will he? How will he compensate with Mr. A that he did have some of these talks with his wife, he wants to apologize now? Because this will create trouble between the marriage couple “Mr. A and his wife”. What can be done in this scenario?

    Also, in the above scenario, is it still sadd e zariya matter? even though the girl is married and nobody would want that his wife do such kind of talks or show her body. will this be infringing rights or breaking trust?

    Please answer to both questions. Jazak ALLAH

    Rehman Ali replied 9 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Adultery And Its Implications As Sadd-e-Zariya And Haqooq-Ul-Ibad

    Rehman Ali updated 9 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar April 29, 2024 at 4:42 am

    There is no separation as such between the rights of Allah and the rights of the people. All the directives of God whether they are the exclusive rights of God like prayer or Hajj, and include the benefit of people like Zakat, helping someone in need are rights of God because these are His directives meant to be obeyed.

    When a sin is not open, it should stay hidden. God dislikes revealing sins. One should repent to God only for the hidden sins because He knows everything. but one should not reveal one’s sins to others.

    In the case cited above, revealing this violation will ruin the family and this damage would be irreversible. It is not necessary to tell them. Repentance is the compensation. Hopefully, the One who kept the secret here, will keep it secrete in the hereafter too.

  • Rehman Ali

    Member April 30, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    Jazak ALLAH, really loved this reply.

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