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  • Content Writing Jobs

    Posted by Rehman Ali on April 30, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    Assalamu Alaikum, I believe this question is very important and is not addressed yet (maybe)! I have a question about content writing. Sometimes, when we write content for a new website, but we use phrases like “leading company for XYZ service” as a marketing content to highlight the strengths. We also create reviews ourselves, obviously new websites or profiles won’t be having reviews. Additionally, we may write social media captions for clients, even if their business involves interest/riba. If a content writer does this as part of their job assigned by the manager, are they participating in riba/interest-related work?

    I believe this question is important and how much this kind of job is halal?

    LASLTY! if we get to know this is NON HALAL at all, will we have to quit job asap? or can we like, start finding new jobs but continue this for now? Last question is also important.

    Umer replied 10 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Content Writing Jobs

    Umer updated 10 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • Umer

    Moderator May 1, 2024 at 12:45 am

    As long as there is no immoral aspect e.g. lying/deception/fraud etc., every content writing job would be considered permissible.

    Fake reviews” definitely have an immoral aspect in them and should be avoided. Phrases like “Leading company” can be used since such terminologies are subjective as there does not exist a solid criteria to reach such a conclusion in a definite manner. But their use should also be done in a careful manner.

    As for the social media captions, one may choose to opt out of such jobs considering their sensitivity but since one is an employee assigned with this task among many other tasks which are not objectionable, and neither is one directly involved in the riba business nor is their original work Haram i.e. content writing, their income cannot be declared Haram.

    To understand some important principles, please refer to the following response of Ghamidi Sahab in the video below from 46:34 to 55:25

  • Rehman Ali

    Member May 2, 2024 at 4:32 am

    Jazak ALLAH brother. one more thing, if the manager gives his team member a work that is for his personal use (his own work) like an assignment, and said there will be more. my question does not address that there’s a problem in doing his work. But, writing assignments for him (not sure if that is for his degree or something, or to use online to earn money), if his team member creates it for him, will it be a Gunaah? and how severe is this matter? also, should the person directly say no to him and explain why it is a SIN or is there any relaxation?
    and lastly, what if he does already one, then what should he do now because he could not say No.

    • Umer

      Moderator May 3, 2024 at 1:52 am

      Writing such academic assignments should be avoided. One can ask forgiveness from Allah if done in the past because of ignorance. In the future, one should not accept such assignments.

      Please see:

      Discussion 45817 • Reply 45835

  • Rehman Ali

    Member May 2, 2024 at 4:43 am

    a) Let’s say one finds that, some aspects of content writing are carrying an aspect of lying or something, then the person has to resign from his job right away? or should the person look for another job first and then resign it?

    b) also, let’s say the manager who is assigning work like ASSIGNMENTS, and (not sure if thats halal or not, as the person didn’t ask him why do you need it) it turns out haram, for example, then will be the gunnah on the person for doing the assignment and Not saying NO directly? Also, how soon he should leave the job (same as question a)?


    • Umer

      Moderator May 3, 2024 at 1:58 am

      One can ask his manager to give him some other tasks which are not ethically objectionable. And if that is not possible, then one should assess his situation whether he is under extreme compulsion to continue this job (i.e. iztirar because of extreme economic problems) until he finds an alternative or he is in a position to easily quit his job and look for a better one. One should assess his situation honestly and decide accordingly.

      Videos in the following thread might also be helpful:

      Discussion 89074

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