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Forums Forums Epistemology and Philosophy How Can We Logically Prove That Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Was Sent For Whole?

  • How Can We Logically Prove That Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Was Sent For Whole?

    Posted by Mohammad TALAL on June 1, 2024 at 1:31 am

    Some Non Muslims ask that if Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) was sent as a mercy for whole mankind then why didn’t he go physically to all the existing nations of that time and deliver the message of Haq?

    Saad replied 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • How Can We Logically Prove That Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Was Sent For Whole?

    Saad updated 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 1, 2024 at 2:38 am


    As it started in that era in which it became possible to disperse islam on international level…because of many things 1st time introduced in world history…like now things could be easily saved in writings…etc

    Therefore there was no need to send seperate prophets for different nations.


    Going physically to every nation is not necessary condition,and when message of his could easily be transmitted…then why it had to occur…

  • Saad

    Contributor June 2, 2024 at 4:18 am

    3rd point I would add is that revelation is a gift from Allah, if He wants one nation to receive directly and not the other, then it’s up to Him. The material needed for success of test is already included in human nature by birth (e.g morality, intellect etc). Qur’an is mostly a reminder of that nature. Whoever received it, will be questioned about it and those who didn’t, will be questioned on the revelation that Allah embed in everyone’s nature by birth.

    4th point is that receiving of a messenger is a big test. Allah took mercy and choose not to subject every nation with it, because when a messenger comes, people have to make sacrifices, some will be punished and some will be rewarded, great changes occur afterwards. So Allah spared most of humanity when it was time to finalize a prophet and end prophethood. Now the case is such that if anyone is interested in learning about God, then revelation of Prophet PBUH is the final authority, preserved and a means of guidance for all humanity. Muslims after Prophet PBUH were commanded to simply communicate this news to everyone just like Children of Israel were tasked before, so humanity would make effort and come to God’s revelation, God’s revelation will not be forcefully put in everyone’s hand, people must make effort, Allah only favored us a means to take guidance from, now people must make effort and take the news seriously, investigate the revelation sincerely and ponder over it, a messenger will not be sent to every nation.

    5th point as to proving it. The method remains the same. You present the arguments for Qur’an and Prophet PBUH), if they are convinced, they will accept the testimony of God present in Qur’an where He declares that the message is for all humanity and not a group of people in a specific era. And if you specifically analyze the Sunnah of Allah, He has done this before e.g rewarded People of Noah and destroyed the sinners of his nation, then it’s news was presented for future generations to learn from. He did not take account of every nation, just one was enough to set an example. And for all of humanity, what God did to Quraish and the nearby nations is an example enough for people to ponder as it happened in established history.

    24:25 – 27:08

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