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  • Disrespect To God

    Posted by Sadiqa Ali on June 6, 2024 at 9:46 am

    A friend of mine (who is an atheist) says that

    If I ever meet God I’ll grab him by his collar and tell him that I never asked you to be born (saying it because he is tired of life/doesn’t want to live anymore) now as a person who believes in God it’s kinda too much offensive…

    Is it blasphemous? What should I do in this case? Should I end friendship with him cause it doesn’t sit right to me. It feels as if he has no respect for God so how can I respect someone and be friends with someone having no respect for God

    Mubarak Bhatti replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Saad

    Contributor June 6, 2024 at 10:52 am

    I think you have asked this question before:
    Discussion 95956

  • Mubarak Bhatti

    Member June 7, 2024 at 1:32 am

    It has become quite fashionable in Pakistan to reject the very idea of existence of God. Many of us face such situations more often than one would guess.

    Based on what you have described, it looks like that your friend is suffering from severe depression. (Loosing the will to live is an important indication of clinical depression; may lead to suicide or extreme destructive behaviour.)

    Now, it important to understand how atheism is a sure way to depression. Because contemporary atheism emerged from Materialism, happiness has to be defined in terms of material possessions and momentary pleasures. And, there can be no meaning and purpose to human life.

    Philosophies of materialism inevitably lead to contemporary philosophies viz. Existentialism, and Nihilism i.e. how to live a meaningless, purposeless life. Contemporary philosophy and worldview tries to teach how to live the absurd life in an absurd world.

    Unfortunately, because of poor quality of education and super low quality of social discourse in Pakistan leads to a confused young generation who follow fashionable philosophies mindlessly and then suffer the consequences but do not have intellectual capacity to question and correct their belief system.

    So, if you find in you adequate amount of patience, courage, and sympathy with your friend you may try to present your understanding of God and His will to him. Or, you may politely avoid interactions with such people to save your own peace of mind.

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