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  • Crucifixion Of Jesus (SWS) And Real Facts?

    Posted by Taimur Mughal on June 20, 2024 at 12:31 pm

    I heard ghamidi sahibs video in nawule masih I think on this matter and heard other scoalrs as well;

    basically I came to the conclusion no one actually knows what exactly happend with certainty.

    One scholar says ; he was crucified and died on it by God’s permission to make the jews and others believe that they killed Isa as. But then when his body was in cave God gave him life again. So he didnt died . But this is going appearntly against the quranic verse ; Neither did they killed him, nor did they crucify him but the matter was made to them appear so.

    And ghamidi sahib says that God killed jesus by taking his soul and the body was taken away by angels to heaven.

    And here he added a famous gospel narration that a follower judas made to be appear like jesus and he got crucified.

    But that seems a little too far fetched to believe. And another mention is this is by mulana maudidi in his tafseer that all of his deciples were made to look like him so that they could sacrifice themself for Isa as to get heaven as reward.

    But this also seems a little too far fetched.

    So my q is ; would it be right to assume that no one actually knows what exactly happened?

    According to what I wrote there can be many scenarios.

    And here lies my second question from this; God says HE revealed the quran in clear arabic so that we may understand.

    But HE didnt clarify this issue in a clear manner. It is very vague mentioned that the matter was made to them appear as if he was crucified.

    So what I think is ;

    Either Jesus was crucified and died on cross but he didnt actually died because he revived after this in the cave.

    But this is goign gainst the verse ; wa ma qataluhu wa ma salabuhu

    but then 3rd mentioning is the matter made to them appear so.

    Or He died naturally somehow by angel taking his soul and taking his body away to heaven while others were made to look like Jesus and put on cross. But the issue here arises that God decieved people which is against God nature I guess.

    So how do we msulims approach this issue of not understanding this matter while we have Quran ?


    Shayiq Shah replied 8 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Crucifixion Of Jesus (SWS) And Real Facts?

    Shayiq Shah updated 8 months ago 3 Members · 10 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar June 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    Qur’an makes those things clear to us which are for us necessary in Deen. The extra information it tells is just a favour. If not told, it doesn’t make any deficiency in the actual Deen.

    To let the people of the time of Jesus believe the Jesus is crucified is to let them fill their bucket of sin that they had him killed, so that they might be punished. It was not a deception to mislead them but let them perceoce what they did according to their plan.

    The Qur’an did not tell how Jesus was saved. It only tells that he was saved and God gave him death. Nothing can be said with certainty how he was saved. We will know these secret in the hereafter.

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 21, 2024 at 7:12 am

    Basically when it is said by Allah neither they killed him nor crucified him…but it was made to appear so…

    Then one can say may be he was put on cross but was injured but not died there so he was not crucified or killed…

    Lets assume it okay ,

    You have to answer my 2 qns.

    If he was put on cross and was injured then for what after qatalluhu…Allah swa says wama salabuhu….

    For any type of death it was denied by first word….but when wama sallabuhu was further added it will mean definitely now that he was not even put on the cross…

    Some may say no its style of Quran to mention in this manner….

    Then they should answer my 2nd qn that immediately after that Allah says it was made to appear so….

    It can be done only in 2 ways….either by making people believe in miraculously but in real he was made only injured…or by making some one else like jesus and that is how it appeared to people….

    Now in 1st scenario:Then it will mean for people obviosly then he was literally crucified…which is a disrespectful and disgraceful most type of injuring or death according to these people….which leads no logic for Allah to make people believe in this sort of thing…Allah can not make jesus as a messenger and make people believe in this sort of thing….

    secondly why also then before this happened Allah avoided it in first place…

    Thirdly Allah swa says Bal rafa Allahu ilihi….Allah raised him upto himself….

    Which is not necessary if jesus was already saved….

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 21, 2024 at 12:19 pm

    If they say no he was saved somehow…then why not they were then preached by jesus that he was not killed…it would have meant for people…yes God have saved him…

    But if we assume okay jesus was injured and saved….then what is the pt. Of remaining in silence of jesus…

    Some one will say no he travelled anywhere else then…so how could he told them….it will then mean that he let people to make wrong theories about his survival….which is weird…

    And if he was able to travel somewhere else …then where he woukd have gone….the people of that location should have definitely corrected people of canaan that time,,,,

    Then you may say that maybe he was directed by God not now to tell deen to people….then you have to answer then why in surah maidah jesus says until i was in them i preached them truth…

    Okay lets even dont consider it….

    Then you have to also tell us that those when it is said for them this whole matter was made full if doubts…

    Doubtful are made in 2 ways….

    Either audience oberve or see anything which seems unusual…

    If we assume that they observed injured jesus…then why will they become doubtful….if we say they were miraculously made agreed by God that they didnt see reality…then also how can God can make them doubtful about that….

    What they saw ….is what they saw…simply

    But maybe when they had observed many such characters which were not present in jesus but they observed in the person who was crucified….then obviosly there is possiblity that they might find themselves in well of doubts that who was this person…

    • Taimur Mughal

      Member June 21, 2024 at 12:32 pm

      your analyzing it very good.

      So you conclude that Someone else was made to look like jesus and got crucified? While the real jesus was somewhere hidden and God took his soul right then and there ? Because God says in Quran I will give you death and raise you up to myself.

      So he died and angels took away his body to heaven?

      bUT I can’t seem to graso why would someone else be made o look like him? 3-

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 21, 2024 at 9:13 pm

    Judas escaryuti is found guilty to leak onfo. About jesus to Jews or romans…this is why…

    As a punishment…Some may say hia honest companions….may be

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 22, 2024 at 1:19 am

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 22, 2024 at 1:30 am
    • Taimur Mughal

      Member June 22, 2024 at 10:18 am

      good points but I can hardly read these papers

      But as you said either judas got punished and made look like jesus and put on cross : which is to me very unlikely because :one : why would God turn this traitor into an image of a holy prophet and second judas was innocent of saying that he was the messiah so God does not do injustice of killing a man for a sin he didn’t commit Yes judas was a traitor and had his share of sin but not in this.

      And as I understood further: Jesus was then perhaps indeed crucified and put on cross but did not died by this crucifixion : and the verse wama katalulu wa ma salabuhu is actually saying that they did not killed him by that crucifixion. But God did and saved him later.

      But here the question arise; would God put his prophet through such humiliation? While HE is saying further that he will raise him up to himself so that these jews wont be able to even touch him and disrespect his body.

      So why would God then put jesus through this process and then save him?

      You said there can only be two options : Either jesus was indeed put on cross but survived ; and here my issue is then why is Quran saying it like this in the famous verse they did not killed him , nor crucified but the matter was made to appear so. Why in such a way that the reader gets confused and does not get clear answer.

      Second option : either judas or his companions made to look like him and crucified but this seems to me too far fetched and does’nt make sense.

      Final conclusion : we can not know what actually happened. No one knwos what the reality of the matter is and Quran is also telling it in a way that the reader doesn’t get the exact answer. It’s very vague. It’s implicating more tha one answer which to me I don’t get why.

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 22, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    Dear,my matter is not to solve it…but to obviosly finalize my opinion on this matter for which i have given my arguments….

    If u are satisfied u can accept…if you are not…no need to accept…simple

    Also i may make you clear 1 pt….

    If u r saying that why image of holy prophet will be given to sinful person…then how original jesus woukd be then taken for this process….as per you

    Further u said its far stretched…but it seemed to you…for me it seems plain and simple thing…

    Pt 3.

    For us its not matter what has happened….but obviosly matter is what seems most probable to have happened….for which i presented my arguments…

    For me i am completely satisfied by these….

    If u r not ….that is your matter….

    You will say why you have to ponder so much about it….

    When you see some fitnas made from this ayah….it becomes important to see which thing is most probable….

    Many areas in life are based on probablity….so i analyzed it and presented…

  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 22, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    As a punishment of grave sin he did….it was most probale that he should have been made taste of what he did…

    Regarding physical appearance….so what is problem in that….

    It nowhere usool in book of Allah….or anywhere that this can not be done…..

    Okay tell me if u r forced and have to make opinion on it…what u will say…

    That because physical appearance can not be given…therefore what would have then happened…

    U have no option but to accept it…DEAR☺️….

    Maybe you will say no he was not even put on the cross and because somehow it was injected in history that jews tried to kill him or crucify him…so this whole discussion may make no sense…

    Then you have to answer why Quran commences it by saying thag jews tried to kill prophets…

    No way but to accept it for you…..if u give this argumentation…

    Rest is upto urs…if u feel anything else…have such belief…no worries…

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