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Islam About Acting And The Derived Income
Posted by Muhammad on June 21, 2024 at 7:55 pmIs income from acting halal
The actors touch each other, theres dancing etc also, according to the role the woman have to wear heavy jewellery for acting etc
(If the content is not vulgar)
Will income be halal?
Saad replied 4 months ago 4 Members · 41 Replies -
41 Replies
Islam About Acting And The Derived Income
Dr. Irfan Shahzad
Scholar June 22, 2024 at 1:21 amI’m Islam it is the problem of being ethical or unethical, moral or immoral which determines a thing to be halal or haram. Vulgarity and obscenity is is haram. Acting in the given ethical parameters is allowed. The person has to decide at some point whether a certain act is vulgar or not.
Member June 23, 2024 at 7:08 pmSo if a person plays a role of someone who drinks alcohol or if someone plays a role of someone who is evil etc.. will his income be halal?
Member June 25, 2024 at 10:48 am?
Contributor June 25, 2024 at 11:00 amPlaying a role of a sinful person for sake of entertainment does not make one sinful. Therefore income will indeed be halal.
Also kindly watch Ghamidi Sahab video explaining this here at the time mark:
13:00 – 19:45 -
Member June 28, 2024 at 11:45 amIf someone has to perform a character who uses abusive language/double meaning language or is vulgar then?
Where to draw the line?
Same is the case with all other art forms
Member June 28, 2024 at 11:46 amOr characters who wear a bit indecent dressing?
Will the income still be halal?
Contributor June 28, 2024 at 11:55 amThis is more determined by personal and cultural sensitivity as well as intention.
One should not use vulgar or abusive words in e.g poetry. Similarly it should not be used in acting either. If one does end up using abusive language or wear indecent clothes for the sake of acting (and their intention is not to promote such things) then we would advise them to stop but the sin isn’t committed until they make an intention to commit sin.
If a Muslim’s intention is to promote abusive language and indecency through any means then it is sinful and so the income is not halal. But if the intention is to simply act and not sin, in that decent intention he makes any mistake and crosses the line, then it is forgiven and the income is halal.
Member June 30, 2024 at 11:49 amBut how can this be.. if a person is doing vulgar scenes or using abusive language for the sake of character but his intention isn’t to promote it
Will this not be wrong?
Contributor June 30, 2024 at 1:18 pmIt is wrong but not to the level that his income will become haram.
As I said, if the intention is decent, then mistakes are forgiven at the moment. A person who is acting is usually following a script. The blame is more on the script-witer than the actor. In this case if a person is engaging in explicit sexual content (fawahish) then it is obviously wrong and they should not do it but anything less than that falls into sad-e-zariya.
Sad-e-zariya violations are not as wrong as major sins. In this case as I said, we will advise you to eliminate any type of vulgarity and abusive language we see, we may ask you censor the content if needs be. That would be our advice at that point. But the income will remain halal.
Income will become haram if the intention is wrong. If the Muslim in his heart wants to promote vulgarity and abusive language, if he is simply not following a script but rather wants to engage in sins, then it is all haram.
Member June 28, 2024 at 11:52 amOr if a vulgar story is shown in a decent way? Is it allowed
Contributor June 28, 2024 at 12:00 pmA story shown in a decent way is not vulgar. You must understand what fawahish means and ensure this does not exist in any art you make:
35:10 to 37:13 -
Member June 28, 2024 at 12:27 pmThere are many films whose topic is vulgar but they are shown in decent way
Where ever they needed to show vulgar scenes they just showed a sign that this or that happened
Contributor June 28, 2024 at 12:31 pmYou didn’t understand the concept of fawahish. Fawahish is showing explicit sexual content like nudity, sexual acts, genitals, all for the sake of promoting sin.
As soon as you cut off explicit sexual content, it is not vulgar anymore. The films you are talking that imply that an affair happened or sexual relations happened but does not show it explicitly are not being vulgar as long as the purpose is to entertain. Unless the purpose of those films is, foremost, to promote vulgarity, not entertain, then they are not acceptable even if the scenes are not explicit.
Member July 6, 2024 at 9:50 amWhat if someone is exposing awrah or got exposed (not explicitly)?
For ex, a mans knee or womans shoulder etc
Contributor July 6, 2024 at 9:57 amThis again comes under sad-e-zariya. One should not do that intentionally nor with the intention of committing or spreading zina even if it is not explicit.
One should cover up decently according to the established norms. In case someone exposes their awrah accidentally or misunderstood how much they should cover (as they might be focus on acting a role) then this will count as a mistake which is forgivable especially since it was not explicit. You will still be advised to be careful and cover up (to avoid zina) but this will not make one’s income haram.
Member July 6, 2024 at 11:14 amSo if someones exposing his awrah (not explicitly) but the intention is not to promote fawahish
His/her income will be halal
Contributor July 6, 2024 at 11:25 amYes.
Member July 27, 2024 at 9:06 pmWill the person get sinned everytime someone saw his/her awrah (not explicit).. or he just sinned once when he/she did
Contributor July 28, 2024 at 3:34 amEverytime.
However, in case of sad-e-zariya, minor sins will only be added to the record if the final, major sin (zina) is committed.
Member July 28, 2024 at 9:35 amBut sir if i am not wrong the person will be sinned if he/she showed awrah with bad intentions right?
Contributor July 28, 2024 at 11:10 amYes. Because at that point the sin changes, now you are promoting vulgarity in society intentionally.
Member July 30, 2024 at 4:09 pmSirghamidi sir said that women should not show thier jewellery except which is visible on hands feet and face..
So will this make her sinful if she wore jewellery in character
And while modeling wearing jewellery specifically to show it, will it make her sinful and income haram? -
Contributor July 31, 2024 at 4:37 pmThe problem isn’t with the jewelry or showing it. The problem is zina. Always keep that in mind.
Women enjoy wearing jewellery but the jewellery wore on special occasion that really draws attention was told to be hidden so that they don’t attract unwanted attention and walk down the path that leads to zina. This is again about sad-e-zariya. Steps that leads to the major sin zina are minor sins.
Now women who show off their special jewellery must check their intentions.
If a women is doing so without realizing what she is doing, she is mistaken, it is not a sin and income is halal.
If a woman is doing so to walk down the path of zina, it is a minor sin but income is still halal.
If a woman is doing so with the intention of zina AND to promote vulgarity in society is committing a big sin, now she is sinful and her income is not halal.Because promoting vulgarity to society intentionally in a public platform like acting is whole different sin and it no longer remains minor, it becomes something more serious.
Member July 31, 2024 at 4:42 pmSir So that means if a woman is wearing and showing jewellery amd heavy dresses to promote the clothes and jewellery or for the character.. its not haram.
Contributor July 31, 2024 at 4:51 pmYes.
Member August 5, 2024 at 1:13 pmSir if someone shows something evil in the story and his intention aren’t to promote it but just for the story or entertainment and people get inspired by the evil in it? Will he/she be accountable for it?
For example if someone showed mazaar culture just for the story but people get inspired by it
Contributor August 5, 2024 at 1:51 pmNo, one is not accountable for it if there is no intention of promotion. The Qur’an also describes e.g the culture of Firoan and his evil of killing male children. For sake of telling news, entertainment and so on, it is expected to describe such details.
Now it is up to the consumer of the story. Whether they get inspired by the intended point of the story (harmless entertainment instead of promoting mazaar culture) or they choose to learn the wrong lesson from it.
Member August 16, 2024 at 1:37 pmSir what about dance (weather done by men or women) and making it a career? (As it is also a big part of film/drama/social media or stage etc) If its not vulgar?
Contributor August 16, 2024 at 1:48 pmAs far as religion goes, principle is that anything that is not fawahish/vulgar is not sinful.
Member August 17, 2024 at 3:10 pmSir, can you please explain how showing jewelry would not be wrong?
As u said that the thing is vulgarity which is not acceptable but in most of the sir ghamidi’s videos he says zeenat should not be shown
Contributor August 17, 2024 at 5:13 pmI already explained it here:
Discussion 98069 • Reply 99419
Zeenat should not be shown with the intention of committing zina. Whoever shows jewellery with the intention to attract attention of opposite gender is committing a minor sin. Whoever continues to commit this minor sin may eventually commit the major sin: zina. When zina is committed, all minor sins will be counted proceeding it and judgment of Allah will be harsher. This is why zeenat should not be shown. It is a first minor step towards zina which leads to eternal Hell when zina is finally committed.
When a Muslim understands this. They will naturally try to avoid zina and cover up zeenat naturally, avoiding wrong intentions. However exceptions exist. Sometime a Muslim will forget, sometime the goal is not zina, sometime a Muslim is misinformed and mistaken, here the matter is forgivable. Scholars like Ghamidi Sahab will advise such Muslims, make them understand that zeenat should not be shown as it is a path to zina and then the matter will be left to the individual to decide how they can avoid zina and it is possible that jewellery may be shown for a decent goal rather than a vulgar one but that is only possible when a Muslim is taught about what is the problem and what needs to be avoided: zina.
Islam About Acting And The Derived Income - Ask Ghamidi
Is income from acting halalThe actors touch each other, theres dancing etc also, according to the role the woman have to wear heavy jewellery for acting
Member September 19, 2024 at 8:37 pmIn this video sir is saying that doing a non muslim character is not wrong
13:00 – 19:45 in this video he is saying that it must not be done
Ilm-O-Hikmat-part ALL-ep-21256-2019-02-17-Allama Javed Ahmad | Dunya News
Allama Javed Ahmad Ghamdi joins Dr Zubair Ahmad in Today's Ilm-o-Hikmat to discuss different Questions and Answers
Member September 20, 2024 at 2:54 am -
Moderator September 21, 2024 at 2:49 amYes, there is a change of opinion. The second video is the most recent one and it should now be taken as the opinion of Ghamidi Sahab in this regard now..
Member September 21, 2024 at 4:37 amSir what if one person plays a character of opposite gender or both gender? @UmerQureshi @FortunateServant
Member September 21, 2024 at 5:20 amAlso sir how can it be wrong to play a non Muslim’s character as one has no intention of shirk?
Contributor September 21, 2024 at 5:25 am1. Dressing and behaving as opposite gender is forbidden on the basis of deception being forbidden. I suppose if everyone knows the actor is just acting and there is no deception among everyone then it can be acceptable.
2. Playing character of non-Muslim is not wrong according to the latest video, doing acts of shirk for sake of acting is considered wrong. An actor can play a role of Hindu but they should not be prostrating to an idol since that act of prostration is made exclusive to Allah on His commands. I suppose this also applies to any shirk symbols as well, they can’t wear the Cross of Christianity indicating that Hazrat Isa is divine when acting even if they are just playing role of a Christian.
Also according to latest opinion, intention is no longer a factor in sadiqa-e-zariya so having intention of shirk or not, doesn’t matter. The act itself is not allowed (to avoid final act of shirk).
Member September 21, 2024 at 2:34 pmBut if one plays a non muslim character will his income be halal?
Contributor September 21, 2024 at 3:01 pmIf one is doing acts like prostrating to idols in that character then part of that income is not halal (as their role may involve time where they are not doing any condemn-able acts so that part is halal)
If they are only playing non-Muslim character without any questionable acts, then it would entirely be halal.
Member October 20, 2024 at 10:43 amWhat will be the rules if a female is playing a Coquettish role?
Contributor October 20, 2024 at 11:02 amBetter to start a new thread and ask this question there as this thread has gone on too long.
Be sure to link the related video too.
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