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Hajr-e-Aswad As Yameenullah (right Hand Of Allah)
Posted by Zakir Hossain on June 24, 2024 at 4:50 amIn one of the videos of Ghamidi Sb., he has mentioned that Hajar Aswad is Yameenullah (symbolic Hand’s of Allah) and kissing it is a symbolic expression of love for Allah. I would like to know whether this interpretation is Ghamidi Sb’s own or is based on Sahih Hadith.
Zakir Hossain replied 8 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Hajr-e-Aswad As Yameenullah (right Hand Of Allah)
Moderator June 25, 2024 at 3:10 amThere are ahadith ascribed to Prophet Muhammad (sws) reported from Ans bin Malik (rta), Jabir Bin Abdullah (rta), Abdullah bin Umr (rta), Ayesha (rta) in which Hajr-e-Aswad has been called “Yameenullah” (right hand of Allah) but none of them have been proven to be Sahih. However, Similar narration has also been attributed to Abdullah ibn-e- Abbas (rta) as his saying and despite problems with its chain of narrators, some scholars have accepted this to be a saying of Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas (rta) including Ibn-e-Taimiya, Sakhawi, Ibn-e-Hajr Asqalani and Al-Ajluni. Following is the saying of Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas (rta):
عبد الله بن عباس يقول: إن هذا الركن الأسود يمين الله في الأرض يصافح به عباده مصافحة الرجل أخاه
Abdullah bin Abbas says: “This black pillar is God’s right hand on earth with which He shakes hands with His servants like a man shakes hands with his brother”.
(Volume 1, Page 183)
إبطال التأويلات لأخبار الصفات by أبو يعلى محمد بن الحسين بن الفراء
(الناشر: دار إيلاف الدولية – الكويت)
There is another saying of Ayesha (rta) which complements the saying of Abdullah Ibn-e-Abbas (rta):
وبلغني عن عائشة رضي الله عنها قالتا: “إن الله تبارك وتعالى -حين أخذ الميثاق من بنى آدم وأشهدهم على أنفبسهم ألست بربكم؟ قالوا: بلى -جعل ذلك في الحجر الأسود
“It was reported to me on the authority of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, that she said: “When God, Blessed and Most High, took the covenant from the children of Adam and made them witness with their souls, am I not your Lord? They said: Yes, He placed that in the Black Stone.””
(Thus meaning that the Black Stone is the depository of the covenant of human souls with Allah on the Day of Promise (alastu bi rabbikum)).
Page 313
تأويل مختلف الحديث by مسلم بن قتيبة الدينوري
(الناشر: المكتب الاسلامي – مؤسسة الإشراق)
Muslim Scholars have tried to explain the meaning of Yameenullah throughout Muslims’ Academic History. For instance:
Al-Khattabi (d:388H) said:
والمعنى أن من صافحه في الأرض كان له عند الله عهد فكان كالعهد تعقده الملوك بالمصافحة لمن يريد موالاته والاختصاص به وكما يصفق على أيدي الملوك للبيعة، وكذلك تقبيل اليد من الخدم للسادة والكبراء فهذا كالتمثيل
“The meaning of this, is that whoever greeted the stone on Earth, has done a pact with Allah, like the pact the kings used with whom wanted special attribution or alliance, by greetings or by clapping hands for swearing allegiance, or like the kissing of the hand of a servant to his master; or with elders, by analogy.”
(Volume 2, Page 191)
معالم السنن by حمد بن محمد الخَطّابي
(الطبعة: الأولى ١٣٥١ هـ – ١٩٣٢ م)
Similarly, Al-Muhibb Tabari (d:694H) wrote:
معناه أن كل ملك إذا قدم عليه الوافد قبل يمينه، فلما كان الحاج أول ما يقدم يسن له تقبيله نزل منزلة يمين الملك، ولله المثل الأعلى
“It means that all the kings used to give their right hand to any newcomer for them to kiss; it is the same for a pilgrim, when he enters the Sanctuary, it is a tradition for him that the first thing he has to do is to kiss the right hand of his King, which descended especially for that, and for Allah is the highest attribute“.
(Volume 3, Page 463)
فتح الباري by بن حجر العسقلاني
(الناشر: المكتبة السلفية – مصر)
As it can be seen that Muslim Scholars and even some Sahaba (if rightly attributed to them) have tried to explain the symbolic relationship of Hajr-e-Aswad and its istilam with the rituals of Hajj and Umra. In Farahi Discourse also, the rituals of ibadah are a symbolic expression of our relationship with Allah in one way or another and the explanation provided by our previous scholars best explain this symbolic relationship with Allah and no other explanation better explains the ritual of istilam that is why, Ghamidi Sahab has also considered it to be the best explanation of this ritual. He writes:
حجراسود کا استلام تجدید عہد کی علامت ہے۔ اِس میں بندہ اِس پتھر کوتمثیلاً اپنے پروردگار کا ہاتھ قرار دے کر اِس ہاتھ میں اپنا ہاتھ دیتا اورعہد ومیثاق کی قدیم روایت کے مطابق اِس کو چوم کر اپنے اِس عہد کی تجدید کرتا ہے کہ اسلام قبول کرکے وہ جنت کے عوض اپنا جان ومال ، سب اللہ تعالیٰ کے سپرد کرچکا ہے۔
(The istilam of the hajar-i aswad symbolizes the revival of the pledge. In it, a person while symbolizing this stone to be the hand of the Almighty, places his own hand in His and in accordance with the ancient tradition about covenant and pledges by kissing it revives his pledge with the Almighty that after accepting Islam he has surrendered his life and wealth to Him in return for Paradise.)
(Excerpt from Meezan: Javed Ahmed Ghamidi)
Zakir Hossain
Member June 25, 2024 at 7:53 amJazakallah khair. Kindly provide the Hadith reference from where these are taken and mentioned (Vol 1, pg. 183, 313; Vol. 2, 191; Vol. 3, 463).
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