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Forums Forums Epistemology And Philosophy Prophet Muhammad Saw Was Misguided By Jinnat And Shayateen?

  • Prophet Muhammad Saw Was Misguided By Jinnat And Shayateen?

    Posted by Arsalan Nazim on June 25, 2024 at 7:08 pm

    Salam, there seems to be very little information about what Prophet Muhammad spent doing in ghar e hira for years before he declared himself a prophet?

    There is a risk that he was spending so much energy in chants or tappassiya; names/titles of the activity doesn’t matter. It’s his act or practise that may have opened windows to certain energies who may have misguided him. Whilst I acknowledge that the quran refutes prophets knowledge of any ilm e ghaib, I am questioning the authenticity and evidence of quran itself. How do we be sure that he wasn’t exposed to jinnat or shayateen who provided him with the quran and helped him create a system we are all discussing to this date. Same thing applies to all prophets, not just muhammad saw.

    Saad replied 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Prophet Muhammad Saw Was Misguided By Jinnat And Shayateen?

    Saad updated 8 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Shayiq Shah

    Member June 25, 2024 at 9:21 pm

    If it was so…then why guidance gives us hidayayh…why in Quran itself it refutes shaytaeeen….

    No way….

    Further after rejection of jesus by jews it was evident that someone will definitely bs given nabuwah

  • Saad

    Contributor June 26, 2024 at 5:30 am

    Wa Salam.

    1. Ghamidi Sahab rejects the narrative of Ghar E Hira. He explains the event of first revelation here:
    Discussion 44130

    2. To claim the jinns have misled a few individual is one thing but to say that a 3000 years of prophethood tradition was made up by jinns is a poor argument. Even Hazrat Sulaiman (AS) that had rule over jinns, Nauzubillah did not figure out that jinns were fabricating revelations? Poor argument.

    3. As pointed out earlier, revelation made by the devil would not be refuting the devil. Hazrat Isa (AS) makes the same argument in the Gospels when people accused him of same thing:

    But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.” Knowing their thoughts, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand? And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore they will be your judges. But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. (Matthew 12:24-28)

    So ask yourself after reading the Qur’an, is it casting out Satan or not? Because if it is Nauzubillah, then it is not from a devil:
    Surely Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy. He only invites his followers to become inmates of the Blaze. (Qur’an 35:6)

    4. The concept of jinns and devils comes from the Qur’an. For one to claim that jinns did this and that, you need to accept the God’s testimony about them in the Qur’an first, testimony that includes that jinns and devils are not responsible for the Qur’an. Evidence outside Qur’an for jinns is weak, people receive information from jinns and devils are not stable, they would not be taken seriously let alone become leaders and prophets of nations and have a tradition of thousand of years and legacies.

    5. Qur’an is not only a book. It has prophecy, talks about the rise and fall of a nation of Quraish in the same way that God did to Hazrat Nuh’s (AS) people and nations after where a Messenger was sent and it was judged. The way God took over Quraish and then made Muslims the ruling power over Arabia Peninsula is not the work of jinn and devils. In same way that God took over the land of Palestine and made Children of Israel a kingdom out of the surrounding nations as evident in the Israelite established history. This is power comes from God, not some energies.

    6. If despite all this one insist, that maybe jinns and devils are so perfect, they somehow manage to deceive everyone for thousands of years and conquered nations for Muslims then you may as well accept their right to rule. Still if they are so powerful as one speculate then why hide behind persona and reveal themselves? The truth is, jinns and devils are flawed, in a thousands of years of deception, they would have made mistake, this mistake would be known and there would sects disagreeing who is the devil and who is not. But all Abrahamic religion accept that Satan is to be rejected and no security preach did happen, sects are not made questioning whether authorship is God or not. It is also a poor assumption of God, that is Nauzubillah He is so powerless to stop jinns and devils for wrecking misconceptions without any attempt to bring order for thousands of years.

    7. Even if one speculate all this, the core problem, the argument that religion makes still remains. You have questions, you want to know where you come from, who is God, what is morality and its purpose, where life and awareness came from? What happens after death? Why do we seek justice and immortality in a world of injustice and death? All these questions still need to be answered even if you dismiss all religions as jinn and devil fabrications. In need, you will ask God to answer, and He might then you will wonder why He did not answer all the nations before or is this another fabrication? Then the cycle of this speculation and dismissing revelation will continue and your questions would remain unanswered, not productive. The truth is, it is more believable that God did answer mankind when they needed answers and the tradition of prophethood is evident.

    8. Even if you reject all these points and still insist that they are jinns and devils, then why stop here? All of mankind’s knowledge could be a jinn fabrication. Everyone around you, could be a jinn too. What will do you then? Who will you trust? This is why, this is irrational approach. You need evidence to prove there was Nauzubillah a security preach by devils and jinns in revelation of God. Otherwise you can speculate things to a dangerous level.

    9. One should follow the rational approach. One should study the arguments for Qur’an to establish its authenticity (instead of trying to refute speculations) :
    Discussion 1630
    Then once convinced, realize that it is not something man or jinn can make. Then accept the testimony of God on which our anti-devil system stands, this will be helpful. But random speculations and paranoia will not be helpful on the Day of Judgment.

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