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Forums Forums General Discussions My Colleague Has A Permanent Query. He Says He Didn’t Find “”” Etc In Quran

  • My Colleague Has A Permanent Query. He Says He Didn’t Find “”” Etc In Quran

    Posted by faisal salim on July 1, 2024 at 6:45 am

    He asks if something is not mentioned in no 1 source Quran, then why such is mentioned as acceptable as Islamic concepts?


    1. No mention of rehmat ul alameen for prophet pbuh

    2. Qabar ka azaab is considered prior to day of qiyamat/ hisaab qitaab? And janaaat ki window in qabar etc concepts

    Lastly , is zakat and tax is the same? And can government is entitled to collect zakat compulsory from all citizens?

    Zakat use vs tax use

    faisal salim replied 2 days, 17 hours ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • My Colleague Has A Permanent Query. He Says He Didn’t Find “”” Etc In Quran

    faisal salim updated 2 days, 17 hours ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • Ahsan

    Moderator July 2, 2024 at 12:42 am

    Please ask one question per thread. You can ask other questions in separate thread.

    For Q1= see verse 21:107

    For Q2: Refer to Discussion 31823

    for Q3 Plz see FAQs about Zakat Discussion 46733

  • Hassan Izhar

    Member July 2, 2024 at 5:02 am

    What your colleague asks is a valid question. Quran is not just the number 1 source, but it is the first and last source of all religious guidance. Those who have faith in God and trust His message delivered through Prophet Muhammad AS, and have read the whole Quran know this very well. Those who have doubts in God and wish to honor and accommodate their idols including their religious scholars want to add other sources from their past generations, who can dictate them laws in addition to God’s laws. They come up with flimsy excuses against Quran such as Quran does not cite how to offer Salat, Obeying Messenger requires following hearsay based Sunnah, Tawatur and established history are divine etc.

    When Prophet Muhammad was delivering the Quran, God’s opponents wanted him to compromise and accommodate their religious sources:

    [68:9] They wish that you compromise, so they too can compromise.

    Unfortunately, scholars today knowing the truth do compromise and end up upholding false religious doctrines. Javed Ahmed Ghamidi is one such example. Knowing full well that Quran is a complete, perfect, and fully detailed Scripture, detailing all religious knowledge and explaining the divine laws in detail, and containing end-to-end Sharia, he upholds and justifies the false doctrine of Sunnah, which has no basis in Quran. He has written 7 totally arbitrary and baseless principles of Sunnah in his Book, which people following him blindly honor as a divine code, while treating Quran as a secondary source.

  • faisal salim

    Member July 2, 2024 at 8:05 am

    Thank you @HassanIzhar for an interesting and differing reply…scholars who have spent decade(s) should be given some credit for their effort to understand and interpret Quran, Deen and role of Prophet PBUH and then explain it to us with logics, references in their books etc…

    One odd can be wrong but not everybody. Pondering upon Quran itself opens door for research and readings… that we should do and till the time we think we have reached the same or near that status of any scholar , how can we over rule them Because our few year of readings gives us some idea….

    We don’t negate eye specialist or cardiologist so why Islamic scholar?

  • faisal salim

    Member July 2, 2024 at 12:00 pm


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