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  • Subconscious Mechanism Or ONLY Asking From Allah?

    Posted by Sameer Namole on July 23, 2024 at 7:39 am

    I have a question. We know that causes are important in life, and asking for something through clear causes is not considered shirk (idolatry). For example, if I ask a servant to bring me water from the fridge, it’s not shirk. But asking for unseen or supernatural things from someone can be shirk. If I ask a person or a shrine for wealth, it is wrong because we should ask such things from Allah. However, what if we understand the clear mechanism of the unseen?
    For example, as I study psychology, new thought movements, and habitual thinking, it’s scientifically proven that whatever gets impressed on our subconscious brain becomes real or automatic. If I constantly think about poverty, my life will be poor; if I focus on abundance, my life will be abundant.
    Extending this principle, we find specific techniques to influence the subconscious mind, making things happen in reality. For instance, in hypnosis, if a person is in a state between consciousness and sleep, and we suggest they are a dog, they will act like a dog. If we say they are on a snowy mountain, their body temperature will drop. If we say blood is flowing from their chest, it will start flowing.
    This is the power of the human mind. Science now accepts that what we don’t see now may already be in our subconscious, and we can practice to realize or manifest it. These suggestions often come as intuition, creative ideas, or feelings.
    So, if we know for sure that our peace or abundance in life during a crisis comes from the subconscious mind, then is it okay to ask from the subconscious mind? Is it correct? This has been proven and tested, and I have personally experienced it. When Ghamidi Sahab was asked about monks and spiritual leaders showing miracles like walking on water or flying, he beautifully replied that it has nothing to do with religion. Just like there is a universe outside a person, there is a universe inside too, with its principles, just like physics.
    So, when we understand this inner world, which can produce “seemingly magical” things, and its formulas require directly addressing or asking the subconscious mind, is it wrong? Is it morally right? Because it is said that we should only ask from Allah, but we know this principle is proven. Please provide an answer.

    Dr. Irfan Shahzad replied 7 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Subconscious Mechanism Or ONLY Asking From Allah?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar July 24, 2024 at 5:57 am

    It is nothing different from enhancing human capacity to heal or perform better just like our body know how to heal and counter the diseases and we use scientific knowledge to make it perform better.

    It is within the domain of cause and effect.

  • Taimur Mughal

    Member July 24, 2024 at 8:23 am

    I would like to add a reply ; I think you might be asking about law of attraction right?

    That you pray and feel as if you have the thing you desire in your reality and it will manifest and will come to you.

    Im also a little confused about this because if it was that easy then why didn’t prophets taught us this way?

    Surprisingly it works but not always. So people say ask the universe and it’s like always answering just like our minds if we desire to think about pizza for example it immediately arrives in our thoughts realm. So in order to get it in reality for free you imagine and feel and this is the trick and law that people are describing in this new gen books law of attraction.

    Some people are also saying that this is the true form of praying ; like you go within and ask The higher power in you and it will show you ways and you will manifest it.

    I think if you do this with the intention that Allah is listening like this to you and your prayer is to Allah alone in this way : it might be no harm but then again I wonder why this manner of praying was not taught to us by our Prophet (saw) if this was really the case.

  • Sameer Namole

    Member July 24, 2024 at 8:32 am

    It ALWAYS works bro, it’s as simple as 2+2=4

    People might fail in execution but that doesn’t mean law is at fault ..

    Prophets did not come to show us how to win in duniya, they came to warn us and congratulate us for hereafter. Although we always see and hear such “mysterious” cases, events and incidents from many prophetic times. This is a know law since initial times. Prophet did told us to have FAITH about something in Allah and Allah will make it happen. This is also true about Tawaqqul imho.

    • Taimur Mughal

      Member July 24, 2024 at 8:37 am

      Then why didn’t our prophet used it for many occasions where he could have what he wanted ; and many other prophets for example prophet yahyah or yususf; he could have easily imagined and get out of prison. And yahya easily could have managed to escape the killing.

      Surely God would have revealed them this knowledge then why ? Why are we hearing about this just in recent times?

  • Sameer Namole

    Member July 24, 2024 at 8:45 am

    Life events rest on subjective decisions of individual bro. The dream Yousuf had, in new thought movement would be called a “subconscious guidance”.

    Basically this is not a RELIGIOUS thing that’s my main point. This is a worldly matter. Asking a prophet to be aware and practicing of this law is saying as if they should be engineer or doctor or a businessmen. Life trials and tests aren’t neglected by this, this a general law of cause and effect, not EVERYBODY can and will do this. This requires Discipline, Patience and Consistency. These three things make almost everything hard. We have to atleast conclude that there are certain truths most people will not understand or make work for themselves. Like accepting God’s word, seems to obvious from a muslim point of view but it’s very hard to explain a common man. Loosing weight and getting healthy, seems very simple, but gym and dietary discipline makes it hard.

    In the end, you might feel shocked, but some of ‘miracles” performed by prophets are easily understandable through this law. Not all miracles but many of them. There has been many people throughout the history and in almost every prominent civilizations performing these so called magical acts and so … Hope I’ve answered your question.

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar July 25, 2024 at 5:12 am

    We have the example of a courtier of the prophet Solomon, who brought the throne of the queen of Sheba with his knowledge of a ‘law’ علم من الکتاب. This is what Ghamidi Saheb named Nafsi Uloom. This is also a field of science, yet to explore and evolve.

    Shirk is to consider someone from God and God from him or to consider someone a partner in the creation or administration of divine affairs.

    • Taimur Mughal

      Member July 25, 2024 at 11:22 am

      But didn’t Ghamidi sahib said it was one of the jins as well who had the knowledge of the law and he brought it before Solomon like a vision of a television?

      Like for example an interview of a celebrity in another country brought within a wink before someone in another country upon tv.

      Or was it physically brought before Solomon?

  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar July 26, 2024 at 2:41 am

    It was a human not a jinn. the whole narration is in the Quran, Surah Naml 27. The throne was physically teleported. Read the verses:

    [Solomon knew that now they would definitely come to him. Thus] he said: “Courtiers! Which of you can bring her throne to me before they come to me in obedience?” [45]

    A fierce individual from among the jinn said: “I can bring it to you before you leave this gathering of yours. I have this power and I am also trustworthy.” [46]

    [This incited] a person who had knowledge of God’s law [47] [and] he said: “I shall bring it to you before you blink your eye.” Then when Solomon saw it placed in front of him, he cried out: “This is my Lord’s blessing so that He may test me whether I am grateful to him or ungrateful.[48] In reality, he who expresses gratitude does it for his own benefit and he who shows ingratitude, then this too is his own loss because my Lord is Self-Sufficient and He is very Gracious.” [49]

    Solomon ordered: “To test her, change the shape of her throne; let us see whether she recognizes it or becomes among those who are not able to recognize [it after this change].” [50]

    So, when she arrived, she was asked: “Is your throne similar to this?” She said: “It is indeed that. We had already come to know these marvels of yours and we had submitted.” [51]

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