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  • Use Of Blasphemous Phrases In Porn/Entertainment Products

    Posted by Osman Kabeer on August 3, 2024 at 2:41 pm

    I was just wondering after the Paris Olympics opening ceremony where Hazrat Isa AS was openly mocked, regarding the use of blasphemous words and phrases in western movies/tv shows/porn eg OMFG, Jesus f****** Christ etc. How are we supposed to deal with these things? Does it make a person disbeliever because he/she continue to watch porn/tv series in which the God and one of the holiest prophet in Islam Hazrat Isa AS is openly mocked and he/she doesn’t stop watching that tv series/porn etc? Moreover, how we see the issue of tv shows/movies in which religious beliefs in general are looked upon and make fun of in almost all the tv series/movies? One viewpoint while watching these scenes that I employ is that the character shown in the scene is atheist/agnostic and he/she is saying what he believes in the context of the story of that said entertainment product even though I don’t agree with it eg if the character says that praying will make no difference because he/she is atheist/agnostic and don’t believe in God (I employ the same attitude with the showing of Christian/Jew/Hindu characters expressing their religious believes) or he/she is simply make fun of belief which is considered false in Islam/historically/scientifically but Christians and Jews held to be true like the group of Christians who believe in Young earth creationism i.e. earth is only 10000 years old or trinity etc. But sometimes these things are said in a disrespectful tone and sometimes they just cross the boundaries and fall into extreme disrespect and outright blasphemy. What do we do in such scenarios? Stop watching such shows because we should have an iota of Imaan in our hearts that we sacrifice our entertainment even though we are in the middle of story or how much popular/well written that series or movie is. Moreover, as a general observation one thing that I have noticed that in almost every tv series/movies the concept of religion/God is made fun of, belittled and shown in bad light and most of the time the religious characters are shown as retarded/narrow minded/extremists even though there are a lot of intelligent/open minded and tolerant religious people that exist in the West.

    Umer replied 6 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Use Of Blasphemous Phrases In Porn/Entertainment Products

    Umer updated 6 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • Dr. Irfan Shahzad

    Scholar August 5, 2024 at 12:41 am

    This does not make one disbelieve. Disbelief is a conscious intention to disbelieve God. One needs to avoid such things. You can choose between not watching, ignoring, or skipping such segments.

  • Umer

    Moderator August 5, 2024 at 9:47 pm

    In the future, please keep you question concise and objective in accordance with Ask Ghamidi Code of Conduct:

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